Hanging In Shame - Love Poem by Juhaina Shiraz

Hanging In Shame - Love

Rating: 4.6

These naughty oldies
Have no shame to hide
Why they think it is pride
When one leg in grave and another shaking
Mind is hollow and heart missing some bite.
And still they want to suck the nectar from beautiful flowers.

Friday, February 1, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love,oldness
Mihaela Pirjol 01 February 2019

You have exposed the peculiarity of the societal situations in this poem: it is time to cease absorbing the energy of the young!

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Juhaina Tumlu 19 February 2019

Thank you Madam.

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Dr Antony Theodore 01 August 2020

When one leg in grave and another shaking Mind is hollow and heart missing some bite. And still they want to the nectar from beautiful flowers. Symbolic, and a very fine presentation and imagination. thank you dear poetess. tony

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Dr Antony Theodore 06 August 2020

Mind is hollow and heart missing some bite. And still they want to the nectar from beautiful flowers. facts of life and experience..... very well written symbolically. tony

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Chinedu Dike 28 August 2020

A profound and insightful bit of verse nicely crafted with artistic brilliance. A work of an intricate mind. Thanks for sharing and do remain enriched.

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Loved it, though I should be counted among "the oldies"…

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Sandra Feldman 27 April 2023

Very well written and true! I take my hat off, to you.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 06 July 2021

Incisive write. An astute observation on elderly behavior

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Soran M. H 23 September 2020

very well penned insight poem, well done for this beautiful poetic masterpiece. I would say even they are old but may be still feeling young inside their hearts! 5 stars

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Soran M. H 23 September 2020

Mind is hollow and heart missing some bite. And still they want to the nectar from beautiful flowers.

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