Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Mister Mayo's Rich! .... [ Inspired By And Dedicated To Brian Mayo A N D His Poem ' Panning For Poems '; Short; Poets; Ambition] Poem by Bri Edwards

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Mister Mayo's Rich! .... [ Inspired By And Dedicated To Brian Mayo A N D His Poem ' Panning For Poems '; Short; Poets; Ambition]

Rating: 5.0

There once was an aspiring poet, .....
or is it: 'one who aspired to poetry'?
And it was NOT poems of tin OR silver...
he aspired to find, but only GOLD it'd be.

He tried his luck at panning in a stream,
much to the amusement of the ‘trained'...
who said: "Your poesy aspiring is a dream! "
BUT, Brian's goal of gold still remained....
and came to the fore like, at the top is, cream.

The panning thing did not work for him,
but Brian was not one to sigh and just give up.
He staked a claim; his chances were but slim …
of achieving his desire; he was a poetry-pup.

Night and day he toiled to succeed at finding ‘gold'.
With dynamite and nitroglycerin the rock did EXPLODE!
Then came the toil with pick and poet's shovel,
sifting endlessly to find "Poetry Gold" in the rubble.
It took longer than he'd imagined, but he was …..no slacker.
Now some of his gold is on display, and I'm a Brian-backer.

(November 12, 2016)

Saturday, November 12, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: goals,poetry
visit Brian Mayo's site if you wish more entertainment.
Valsa George 25 November 2016

Once again you have proved that you are one with a scintillating wit! The last stanza is simply wonderful..... Thus your friend's efforts haven't proved worthless, on the other hand, has earned him rich dividends... to the extent of owning 'a gold mine'! !

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Paul Brookes 21 November 2016

As usual a poem of wit and wonder which I thoroughly enjoyed long may you reign

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James Mclain 12 November 2016

I've because you said of him I've read. He is pretty good and over time if time he has He may give us many more, time will tell. Between you and me, time tell's on us all We here it call. I miss your improvement's to my work.. lol

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
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