यह हो क्या रहा है भाईयो (Hindi) Poem by Rajnish Manga

यह हो क्या रहा है भाईयो (Hindi)

Rating: 5.0

एक राजनेता ने पेटीशन लगाया
उन्हें अपने नज़रबंद मित्र से मिलने की इजाज़त मिल गयी
एक पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री की बेटी आयीं
उन्हें भी अपनी नज़रबंद मां से मिलने की आज्ञा मिल गयी
प्रतिबंध केंद्र सरकार ने लगाए हैं
जम्मू व कश्मीर में जाने की इजाज़त सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने दी है
परन्तु यह हो क्या रहा है भाईयो
आपको अपने ही एक राज्य में जाने के लिए इजाज़त चाहिए
जहां इंटरनेट व मोबाइल सेवा बंद है
सड़कों पर बैरीकेड हैं ताकि कोई आतंकी सूबे में न घुस पाए
दिल्ली से गए दर्जन भर नेताओं को
श्रीनगर हवाई अड्डे पर उतरते ही वापिस भेज दिया जाता है
अपने ही नागरिकों का आत्म-सम्मान
कुचलना व उनके मूल अधिकारों को छीन लेना संस्कृति नहीं!

Friday, September 6, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: culture,internet,kashmir,leaders
Me Poet Yeps Poet 09 September 2019

you must rother also give ENGLISH VERSION PLESE

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Rajnish Manga 10 September 2019

Thanks for your kind visit dear friend. I will try to do that.

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Jagdish Singh Ramána 16 December 2019

Literature is the mirror of the society, and should reflect the very....... So the piece reflects....... I hope situations may better, and love will reverberate....... Relevant piece.

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Jasbir Chatterjee 13 December 2019

Such a puzzling situation indeed. Now Assam is being treated similarly over protests on CAB. Hope internet is not blocked nationwide. A lot of businesses work because of internet. All of them will stop working. Who knows where they will take us to. I really wonder.

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Rajnish Manga 13 December 2019

Yes, this is awful. I can only repeat your words- Who knows where they will take us to. Thanks for your thoughtful comments

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Akhtar Jawad 15 September 2019

Liked the poems, liked your replies to the comments of Anirudha Pathak but no comments fro my side,

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Aniruddha Pathak 12 September 2019

contd. No new investment can therefore come, and as a result, no progress, no jobs for all who are there. For larger good, some ill has to be tolerated. But still, there is no doubt bout your great pen to produce such a good poem.

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Rajnish Manga 14 September 2019

Sir, failure to punish an enemy or a rogue country does not mean that you should start punishing your own people numbering about seven million. Thanks for sharing your thoughtful views on the subject. Thanks for sharing your opinion. I always respect people's right to have a divergent view and to freely express it, too.

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Aniruddha Pathak 12 September 2019

Ideally, yes, what you say is very true. But it is very unfortunate. The situation is bad. But I see no alternative. The neighbour exploits the situation in the name of religion. But the fact remains, non-Muslims were driven out by force. No one from other States can settle there.

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Rajnish Manga 14 September 2019

Does it mean that the government has failed to stop infiltration of terrorists from across the border in spite of heavy deployment of para-military forces? Failure to do so does not give you a right to convert the entire valley into a concentration camp. A democratic country (union of states) should not and cannot deprive citizens of its right to liberty and equality as enshrined in our constitution.

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Rajnish Manga

Rajnish Manga

Meerut / Now at Faridabad
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