Hunger And Saturation.... Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

Hunger And Saturation....

Rating: 5.0

Closest to hunger now
far from deprived saturation
honestly true absurd
after I have observed

the many many miraculous and magical occurrences
they are oft sensational appearances
but also very sensuous
especially concerning
the true colors on my palette

as I have seen them while looking at the paintings
tremendous layers of colors as in heaven
and the hues have not changed
my life long are my palette and my paintings

exactly alike my pen-ink-paper for me

the heartbeat of my existence
but I am sinning again right now
if i do not mention God above these and us all

my instant call
not through the iPhone to my beloved

instead my humble praying
to the Lord Almighty

this is my tremendous creed
from my Holy Bible read

a variety of the most valuable confessions
as I only dare to tell to the Only God ´bout my obsessions
to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
to the God of my belief….

beloved, listen
be not deaf….

© Sylvia Frances Chan

AD. Saturday the fourth of August 2018
@ 18.44 hrs PM West-European Time
Black Saturday in France.

Hunger And Saturation....
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: belief,faith,god,love,love and life
the Only God ´bout my obsessions
is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
the God of my belief….
created with love,
© Sylvia Frances Chan
Dutch Poetess

AD. Saturday the fourth of August 2018
@ 18.44 hrs PM West-European Time
Today it is Black Saturday in France.
Bernard F. Asuncion 05 August 2018

Such an uplifting poem, Sylvia....10+++++

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Sylvia Frances Chan 05 August 2018

Thank you for your blessed comments, Bernard. Also for the precious 10+++++. GBU always.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 05 August 2018

An amazing spiritual write. It conveys the deepest faith in God. So humbling and heartwarming.10++++

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Sylvia Frances Chan 05 August 2018

Thank you so much for your most valuable feedback, compliment and response, dear Mrs Juan-Austin, I am deeply honored and humbled, I so admire your thoughtful comments that have come from a smartest summing-up from deep within your soul, they always inspire me the most and they mean truly so much to me. Your words have such warmth and glee, I truly respect and appreciate. Thank you for your lovely 10++++. God's Blessings be greatest upon thee.

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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