I Don'T Care Anymore Poem by Sophy Chen

Sophy Chen

Sophy Chen

Lueyang County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province of China.

I Don'T Care Anymore

Rating: 4.7

(This poem based on the film Maleficent)

Go ahead, turning me whatever you want
A bird, a worm, I don't care anymore

You say you need wings; I serve as your wings
You say you need ears; I act as your ears
You say you need a horse; you turned me a horse
I do carry you wherever you like to go

You are in danger; you turned me a wolf
I fight only for you with my last strength
You are in danger; you turned me a dragon
I fight only for you to spit my last fire

You say you need wings; I serve as your wings
You say you need ears; I act as your ears
You say you need a horse; you turned me a horse
I do carry you wherever you like to go

Go ahead, turning me whatever you want
A bird, a worm, I don't care anymore


I Don'T Care Anymore
Monday, February 9, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love
This poem is based on the film Maleficent.I have never watched a flim which gave me such a writng impulsion as this one so I wrote a poem for it
Edward Kofi Louis 01 November 2015

Nice work. With the muse of the acts of mankind in earth.

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Bharati Nayak 07 November 2017

You say you need wings; I serve as your wings You say you need ears; I act as your ears You say you need a horse; you turned me a horse I do carry you wherever you like to go Go ahead, turning me whatever you want A bird, a worm, I don't care anymore - - - - - - - - - - Wonderful wordings of love- - -

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Donnie Wolff 07 May 2016

You do write with passion and inspiration. I have seen a movie touch my soul as if it were me. I believe I've been inspired just the same Sophy.

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Donnie Wolff 06 September 2017

You're welcome

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Sophy Chen 28 August 2017

Thanks Wolf!

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Dr Antony Theodore 13 January 2016

You say you need wings; I serve as your wings You say you need ears; I act as your ears You say you need a horse; you turned me a horse I do carry you wherever you like to go.. turn into whatever u want. i dont care...... great and wonderful poem with lot of courage in your words. thank you. tony

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Sophy Chen 14 January 2016

Thanks Tony, This is a poem written after i watched the film Maleficent, and i was touched by this film really and then i write it. Thank you again Tony Sophy

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Sophy Chen 20 November 2015

Dear Sir, I did not find this poem FUSION CRAVES TO CALL I am so sorry for this Thanks Sophy

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Dr.subhendu Kar 20 November 2015

I fight only for you to spit my last fire, ...... beautiful phrasing, yet interesting to read by intense dedication of someone to service of other, , inspiring too, thanks for sharing

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Sophy Chen 20 November 2015

Thanks Dr.subhendu Kar, Thanks for your comments Sophy

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Sophy Chen

Sophy Chen

Lueyang County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province of China.
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