Sophy Chen's Poems Sonnet 3 Tuberose Published In The Korean Newspaper, ‘northeast Asia News' Literary Supplement Poem by Sophy Chen

Sophy Chen

Sophy Chen

Lueyang County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province of China.

Sophy Chen's Poems Sonnet 3 Tuberose Published In The Korean Newspaper, ‘northeast Asia News' Literary Supplement

Rating: 4.8

Sophy Chen

어린 시절, 우리 오두막 마당 앞에
봄이 오면 엄마는 여러 가지 꽃들을 심는다
기억 속에 자리 잡은 꽃들은 모란, 월계…
그 중에 내가 가장 좋아하는 꽃은

여름 밤이면 참 좋다
마당에 앉아 낭떠러지에서
새들과 벌레들의 지저귐을 듣고
달이 밤하늘에서 떠도는 것을 본다

마음의 선율이 벌레들의 화음으로
호흡이 맞추어 율동을 하고 있노라면
어디서인가 향기로운 냄새가 풍겨오다
달빛 아래에서
만향옥의 꽃망울이 터지는 소리이다

꽃이 있고
이 달 밤이 있으면
님의 불후의 시편은
향기 속에서 만발하오니

홍군식 옮김

Sophy Chen,본명 陈丽华,중국 당대 시인, 번역가.1975년 섬서성 한중에서 출생. 서안외국어대학영문학과 졸업, 석사, 현재 대학 교수.
번역서로 시집 《胴体向前》등6권이 있고 중국당대시가상 번역상 부분을 수상한바가 있다.

[China] Sophy Chen
Sonnet 3 Tuberose

As I was young my mom planted some flowers
In front of our old wooden house in springs
In my memory they were peony, China rose…
But what I loved the most was the tuberose

In summer night it's a nice time to me
You could sit in yard to listen the night birds
Singing on cliffs, insects singing in bushes
And look at the moon moving in night skies

However, while your heart was beating at pace
With insects singing and in the sudden
From nowhere floating the rays of fragrance
In the moon a bunch of tuberose blossoms

As these flowers always bloom in moon nights
Your great poem may be living in its fragrance

2013-10-05 In Guangzhou, China

Sophy Chen, Lihua Chen, is a Chinese contemporary poetess and translator. The founder of "Sophy Poetry & Translation Website". In 1975, she was born in Lueyang County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province of China. She graduated from English Institute of Xian Foreign Studies University in English Literature, and she teaches English in a foreign language institute till now.
She is now a chief editor of "Sophy Poetry & Translation Website", a guest chief editor of The World Poets Quarterly (Multilingual) , a member of the Translators Association of China and researcher of the International Poetry Translation and Research Center, She began to write Chinese poetry in 1989, and she began to write English poetry in 2004 and then she began to publish the original poetry (English or Chinese) and translated poetry (English to Chinese or Chinese to English) officially in newspapers and magazines. She translated a part of poems in the Chinese-English Textbook 300 New Chinese Poems (1917-2012) and World Poetry Yearbook 2013/2014 and she also proofed the three books.
She was awarded the "Legendary Poet" in 2012 by the international renowned English poetry website ( . In the same year she won the annual "International Best Translator" Award 2012 issued by IPTRC. In 2014, she won the Chinese Contemporary Poetry (2013-2014) Translation Award.
She translated six Chinese poetry collections into English, The Flower Swaying (2014) , the original author, Zhao Xingzhong, Tibetan Incense (2014) , poetess Purple Shadow (ZiYing) , and The Outlook of Life (2014) , Yang Ruopeng, Different Tunes(2014) by poetess Greensleeves, and The Body Forward(2015) by painter TanJun, A Poetry Biography for White Snake by Liao Shidie, etc.

【中国】 苏菲

十四诗 之三 晚香玉





2013-10-05中国 广州

苏菲(Sophy Chen),本名陈丽华,中国当代女诗人、翻译家。"苏菲诗歌&翻译网"创办人。1975年生于陕西汉中略阳。毕业于西安外国语大学英文学院,在外语类院校任教至今。
2012年,获国际知名英语诗歌专业网站 POETRY.COM 授予的"传奇诗人称号",同年获国际诗歌翻译研究中心(IPTRC)颁发的2012年度"国际最佳翻译家奖"。2014年荣获"中国当代诗歌奖"(2013—2014)翻译奖。
出版英译诗歌集六部:《花动摇》(赵兴中原著) 、《藏香》(女诗人紫影原著)、《生之瞭望》(杨若鹏原著)、《异调》(女诗人 绿袖子原著)、《胴体向前》(画家谭钧原著)、《白娘子诗传》(女诗人廖诗蝶原著)。

Korean Translator Wen Chaochen's Bio
Wen Chaochen, official name Hong Junzhi, is a famous poet in Korean minority. He was born in 1966, in Dongjing town, Ning'an City, Heilongjiang Province of China and he got a master in theology, and now he lives in New York. His published poetry anthologies, The Conspiracy at the End of Century, A Millennium Appointment,361 Degrees of Loneliness, and No Stumbling Block Towards the Road to Heaven; News-related Literature Collection, CEO Tapping Ages, and Venus' Woman; Business Management Monograph, Companies Call for Talents, Site Management, and etc.

文超尘, 朝鲜族著名诗人,原名洪君植,1966年生于黑龙江省宁安市东京城镇,神学硕士,现居纽约 。出版的诗集有《世纪末的阴谋》《千年之约》《361度孤独》《迈向天堂之路没有绊脚石》,报告文学集有《敲击时代的CEO们》《维纳斯的女人》,企业管理专著《公司呼唤的人才》《现场管理》等。

문초진, 저명한 조선족 시인, 본명은 홍군식,1966년 흑룡강성 녕안시 동경성진 태생, 신학석사, 현재 뉴욕거주. 저서로는 시집 《세기말의 음모》, 《천년의 약속》, 《고독이란 내 새끼》, 《천국으로 가는 길에는 걸림돌이 없다》, 르포《시대를 클릭하는 CEO들》, 기업관리《회사가 부르는 인재》《현장관리》등이 있다.

Sophy Chen's Poems Sonnet 3  Tuberose Published In The Korean Newspaper, ‘northeast Asia News' Literary Supplement
Monday, January 25, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
This is the first time Sophy Chen's poem was translated into Korean and published in Korean newspaper.

Sophy Chen
Bharati Nayak 07 November 2017

However, while your heart was beating at pace With insects singing and in the sudden From nowhere floating the rays of fragrance In the moon a bunch of tuberose blossoms As these flowers always bloom in moon nights Your great poem may be living in its fragrance - - - - - - - I love this poem- -a great poem lives in sweet fragrance.I too have a poem titled 'A tuberose', I hope you will like the poem,

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Jazib Kamalvi 28 August 2017

A nice poetic imagination, Sophy. You may like to read my poem, Love and Lust. Thanks

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Kelly Kurt 25 January 2016

A beautiful poem, Sophy. I am an avid gardener and love flowers. I start them indoors towards the end of winter and enjoy them all summer long and they have inspired poetry. Congratulations on all your hard work and success. Peace

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Sophy Chen 25 January 2016

Thanks, It is the flower my mother planted when i was a little girl and it is really so nice in my mind. Thanks for your appreciation again. Sophy Chen from China

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Sophy Chen

Sophy Chen

Lueyang County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province of China.
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