I'm The Light Poem by MAHTAB BANGALEE

I'm The Light

Rating: 5.0

fall to rise!

rise to help
those are falling

life is beautiful
if we make parallel
in falling and rising
with cordial help

Knowledge with love
the light
pure sunlight
without borrowing
can harrow,
can lend the light
liberally, lavishly
(without demand back anything)

I the moon
from the full dark to crescent
gradually full moonlit
by lending that light
yeah, by that knowledge with love

I make myself
every inch of love
in the knowledge

O' love, look
the Anchorite I'm
in that agitated ocean of knowledge love,
the pure light
yes, take it note here
light never can die
cause of not borrowing
and I'm immortal
in that knowledge with love, the light
the illuminating, rising light
to help the falling one

-November 25,2019 Chattogram

Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: aid,knowledge,light,love,one,self
Me Poet Yeps Poet 28 November 2019

o great poet post this urs also let the world feed upon your beauty as your poetry does reveal gr8888888 that day the same that night the same I'm the same man dawn to dust overall the night I look far, far away before and behind right to left up to down the same flowing, floating again I turn back into me the same time devours something old and vomits something new on the same way but in the new infrastructure this etc

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Valsa George 28 November 2019

We should rise up not for ourselves alone, but for others too to help them rise from their fall! Thus we can help each other. When the world is filled with light, darkness has to retreat. Light has to be shared and it never diminishes by sharing, but only makes everything brighter! Lofty thoughts Mahtab!

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Mahtab Bangalee 28 November 2019

Thank you dear Madam for you thoughtful comment, Thanks a lot Dear Poet

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Bernard F. Asuncion 26 November 2019

A well penned composition....10+++

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