In The Malay Language.... Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

In The Malay Language....

Rating: 4.3

Oasis….In the Malay language, a bit like the Indonesian language, but not 100%, it is the Malay language....

apa sebenarnya Oasis?
Sesuatu seperti keselamatan Tuhan?
Sudah tentu tidak.

Oasis di rumah adalah perkara lain.
Selamat sejahtera kepada anda dan tidak ada orang lain di sekitar

tetapi sebuah oasis di padang pasir adalah makna sebenarnya dari kata "oasis", lihat foto.

Hari ini masih begitu indah
bahawa di pantai ada segalanya kecuali "oasis",

kita juga tahu pepatah Belanda: apakah kedamaian di oasis, tetapi hari ini dengan suhu 30 darjah Celsius ini sebuah oasis di pantai?
Lupakan ia! !

© Sylvia Frances Chan - Hak cipta terpelihara
Jumaat,1 Ogos 2020

This is a translation of the poem Oasis, In The French Language.... by Sylvia Frances Chan
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Oasis….In the Malay language, a bit like the Indonesian language, but not 100%, it is the Malay language....
Kumarmani Mahakul 02 August 2020

You know so many languages. We feel so proud of you! An Oasis at home is just like peace that we feel in personal level. You have beautifully expressed your wonderful thought with beautiful photo in this excellent poem. We get a clear idea about Oasis. The beautiful weather near beach gives interesting essence to feel about this topic. Great effort is beautifully brought up in an amazing imagery. Getting peace is great really!

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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