Indian Poets' Poems On Poemhunter On August 2,2018 Poem by Ravi Kopra

Indian Poets' Poems On Poemhunter On August 2,2018

Poem of the Day
The Young Captive
by Toru Dutt

Modern Poem
by Meena Kandasamy

Member Poem
My Destiny
by Rohit Sapra


Poem of the day today is by Toru Dutt
Modern poem by Meena Kandasamy
Member poem by Rohit Sapra

Is there a coincidence?
Or the best poetry on poemhunter
is by those who write in ESL?

Or selection of poems is done
by some Indian onpoemhunter
who likes Indians who write in ESL?

If English is an Indian's tertiary
or quaternary language
- in fact it is -
will his poems in English
be showcased here?

Thursday, August 2, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: indians,poets
Bri Edwards 09 August 2018

(cont.) here is the title for my August 2018 showcase.: August 2018 Showcase Of Special Poems On Poem-Hunter..[ Theme, If Any, Undecided, But Bri's Brain Has Been Chided! ; Time To Start Another Show! ! ], Bri Edwards by the way, i'm seriously considering using just (or mostly) poems by native-residents of India (according to PH's records) in my September showcase; Valsa George 'approves' the idea. bri :) sorry, but i don't know the answers to your questions!

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Bri Edwards 09 August 2018

i ran across this poem's title when i did a PH Search for August 2018 in order to easily get to what i call my August 2018 showcase...of poems by PH poets, a usually-monthly display put together by me and showing up as a single poem....[though it is NOT a single poem but usually a collection of more than ten poems each month].....with a year and month in its title. (cont.)

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