Swinging his leg in a slow, sweeping arc
Children running behing him imitating his walk
Polio stricken right leg with paper skin on the bones
Some of them sniggering at him and pelting stones
His lower face frozen with a congenital paralysis
Unable to smile, a grim face he always flashes
When he is happy you can see it only in the glint of the eye
When he is sad you can just hear him slowly sigh
Married to a woman who always sneers at him
Makes his life hell, his sorrow never dims
With her oscillating hips, tempting countless men to sins
One fine day, she runs away in one of her whims
Silently he endures the worlds million lashes
He had found his joy, his antidote for the gashes
His little one, the apple of his eye, the only gift she gave him
The only reason he lives, his happiness filled to the brim
**** Inspired by a charactar in the book -The Kite Runner***
another reminder of how much I take for granted. thoughtful piece. -Tailor
'With her oscillating hips, tempting countless men to sins One fine day, she runs away in one of her whims' Possible, he can not run behind her, one legged. Nice, articulation of truth in emotions. Keep it ip
Being a one legged man (having got my prosthetic today) I found this amusing but also touching. i enjoy the manner that you utilise to portray this and i feel that it is a very good picture. Kiuds around here ask me how I lost my leg; I tellthem that it must have fallen out of my pocket.
Salutes! ! ! ! First of all let me tell you that, it is really tough to comment on a masterpiece. But, let me try here - you make the heart beat for that man! Indeed, the way you have juggled with the words to express the pain of the character is amazing. The queries that you raise in the mind of the reader is a sheer display of your power as a poet of the generation. The subject created and visualised is astounding - one can literally feel the entire scene - the entire houshold of this man - the life of this man! What more can I say?
T.O.>>>A beautiful, sobering write, my dear...Sad tale, but so eloquently delivered... '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''FJR
Lovely, if bittersweet, poem :) We, the majority, really don't know just how lucky we are. Fine work :) Jack.
well what can I say? this poem hopped along nicely? I can realate, davetheleg Kis s HUG Dave xxx
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
TO, 'tis hard to comment on a piece relating to a subject of this nature. But you tell it well; finely penned as ever, and thought (and ashamed) - provoking. It begs questions and is at the same time written in contented style. Well done. t x