Joseph.... Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan


Rating: 4.5

Joseph….a beautiful story in the Bible about Pure Love
Also as Yusuf mentioned in The Korán in one of the Soeras

Reading about Joseph in the Bible this last time,
I noted

that this situation has a parallel in our life

as Christians, we admit that we depend on God
for our daily needs as well as for eternal life

but we are also aware that
we do not deserve his grace at all!

We are all born sinners
and have made things worse ever since

by actively rejecting or disobeying God

the case of Joseph's attitude toward his brothers
is a beautiful picture of
God's attitude toward repentant sinners

He does not pay them back for what they did,
but treats them like loved family members

His blessings are not given
according to the measure of our good works,
but according to the measure of Christ's gift
(Ephesians 4: 7)

we thank God for His unconditional grace!

© Sylvia Frances Chan - All Rights Reserved
Saturday 17 Oct 2020

This is a translation of the poem Jozef.... by Sylvia Frances Chan
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Joseph is the same as Yusuf in the soeras of The Korán.

we thank God for His unconditional grace!

© Sylvia Frances Chan - All Rights Reserved
Saturday 17 October 2020
Kumarmani Mahakul 17 October 2020

Reading the Holy Bible is a nice and pleasant activity. We directly gain God's beautiful wisdom. We depend on God for our daily needs as well as for eternal life because we cannot sustain without keeping trust on him. He serves us food, air water and shelter through nature. Joseph's attitude toward his brothers is a beautiful picture of God's attitude. This poem is excellently penned...5 stars!

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Varsha M 17 October 2020

Very true. We say we trust but it takes a lot to trust. Thank-you.

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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