Judas, Who Were You? Poem by Susan Williams

Judas, Who Were You?

Rating: 5.0

Judas, who were you?
What was in your heart?
What was in your soul?
Judas, who were you?
How did you get to that point in time?
You walked with Him...
You talked with Him...
You broke bread with Him...
How did you get to that point?
You were there when He walked on water
You were there when He calmed the sea
You were there when He raised Lazarus from the dead
You were there when He spoke on the Mount.
You were there, right there
While He died on the cross
You were hanging from a tree
Regret was too late, much too late
Could you not live with yourself
While He died for you?
You weren't that different though, were you?
Others saw the miracles- and turned away
Others heard His voice calling them- and turned away
Others were given the choice between Barabbas and Him
Others were like you, rejecting Him.
Even the other disciples had their doubts, didn't they?
The other disciples had their moments of vanity
The other disciples didn't understand or refused to see
The other disciples denied Him, ran for their lives
But you betrayed Him to death.
We will always ask you why
While we too deny, turn away, choose Barabbas
And do we not betray Him when we reject Him
When we do not love our fellow man
When we turn away from the Eternity of Him.
Who are you, Judas?
Are you us?
Are you me?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~©2019 Susan Williams

Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: betrayal,jesus
Bill Cantrell 16 April 2019

One wonders..how? But the same can be asked of Satan, an angel that did not stand fast in the truth and the demons that followed Satan in their rebellion, a cold hard fact is that there are wicked people that have no good in them...regarding Judas...he chose his path.....you are not Judas my friend...but many wear his shoes

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Susan Williams 21 April 2019

Good thought- I think Judas puzzles me more because he was human and then I think of all the ways big and little that all we humans betray Jesus- - I guess we just have to get back up and try to walk closer with Him

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Sandra Feldman 16 April 2019

Absolutely FANTASTIC! Good and evil Love and hate Forever and a day The human mystery, Served to us On a most unforgettable, And masterful tray. Susan this is your master piece! it goes beyond poetry to become universal. Symbolically and wonderfully it presents the greatest mystery, the fight tween good and evil, love and hate belief and disbelief, the essence of human behavior, projected in a most dramatic and perfect way!

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Susan Williams 21 April 2019

Wow, Sandra! You are not only a poet but also a philosopher of a high order. Thank you for the very high praise you have lavished on this effort

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Sandra Feldman 16 April 2019

Impressed beyond words. Since I already said what I had to say. But I wanted you to know that I will read it again, and again and again as one of the best I have ever read or was ever written.

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Susan Williams 19 September 2020

Soran, Part Two. , How could they or any of us Christians justify an opinion or an action that is so opposed to what Jesus held? . Somewhere therein is the key to understanding Thank you Soran for always giving me and other poets the freedom to delve into the topics that puzzle us as well as the topics that encourage us and then [YIKES! ! ! ] there are those topics that anger us.

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Susan Williams 19 September 2020

Soran- Love your comments! Part One. Judas- that is a person that puzzles me deeply and I do not know why. There are multitudes of Christians [professed followers of Christ] who throughout history have shown that they had not known Jesus. Had they known him, how could they buy other people and make them slaves, how could they come to a new country and murder those peoples who already live there and take their land from them

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Susan Williams 19 September 2020

Dennis, that was an interesting attack. Actually you should read Valsa's comment below. She understood the poem- -she has a brilliant record in PH of delving into others' poetry and doing so. Sometimes and actually most of the times it is best to not bring preconceived ideas to the reading of a stranger's poem if, of course, one is interested in what others are saying.

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Soran M. H 17 September 2020

We will always ask you why While we too deny, turn away, choose Barabbas And do we not betray Him when we reject Him When we do not love our fellow man

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Soran M. H 17 September 2020

At the beginning of her poem, the poet asks " Judas Who Were You? " We have to look for the answer from the angle of the poet’s vision and then compare it with our perception and understanding. It is true that Judah is not one of us. Rather, he is a representative of the evil in the world, who betray the trust and do not fulfill promises. Unfortunately, Judah still exist on the earth as long as life remains. a big 10+ and onto my fav list

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