Kathakali 2 - the Legends Of Love And War Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Kathakali 2 - the Legends Of Love And War

Rating: 5.0

The legends of the Puranas,
The thrilling stories of love and war,
Come alive with the portrayal of
The brilliant actors of Kathakali.

The dancers are strong, steady, full of stamina,
While they stamp heavily to the beats of chenda,
With pure dance movements of jumps and bends,
Turning, moving around with spirals and leaps.

The great heroes of Mahabharata,
The majestic and handsome Pandavas-
The valiant Bhima and Arjuna, play significant roles
To mesmerise the audience with their dynamic performance!

The portrayal of King Nala deeply
In love with the beautiful Princess Damayanti,
Is given a pride of place In Kathakali -
The exquisite dance of a haunting love tale!

Kathakali 2 -
the Legends Of Love And War
Saturday, January 23, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: dance,dancing,acting,stories,cute love,legends
Kathakali is a classical dance drama of Kerala, India. The characters of the dance drama portray the legends and stories of the epics of India.
Rajnish Manga 25 January 2021

How 'The thrilling stories of love and war.... The great heroes of Mahabharata' are enacted by the performers with their skill and dynamism has been beautifully explained. The magic of Kathakali comes alive before the reader. Thanks.

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Kostas Lagos 25 January 2021

Dancing the stories about love and war...perfect!

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Great work dear Geeta Menon. Kathakali artists are given strneous training in both dance and physical exercises so as to make their performance super. When they present characters from great epics we are made to feel the presence of the great primces on the stage

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Varsha M 23 January 2021

Expressing one's own story without words is not so easy...but dancer's never miss it. Beautiful poetry ma'am

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Varsha M 23 January 2021

You said it very rightly ma'am...The dancers are strong, steady, full of stamina, While they stamp heavily to the beats of chenda, With pure dance movements of jumps and bends, Turning, moving around with spirals and leaps.

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