Lake Poem by Suresh Kumar EK


Rating: 4.6

You were a big lake
Filled in the middle of the blue mountains
Forming the cascades of love
You were wild at the top of the mountain
When you started gushing freely
Down from the peaks
Forcefully you were stopped
Locked in between high dams
Blocked you on both ends and
All your energy is pressed and packed.
They have prepared for you a mighty prison
Among the black rock formation.
You were imprisoned by them
No one tried to know your fantastic
Beauty, width and depth
Speed, energy and fertility
You were dug into the tunnels and lowered
And twisted, rotated
To form the electric current.
To be reborn again
As lights in their interiors
You groaned silently
As if perishing
Your tales of love were
Never known to anyone
No one loved your beauty
Therefore, my dear
God may someday
Find one to know your life
To love your soul
Knowing everything
Someone in the forests
God to you.

Friday, January 1, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Kostas Lagos 01 January 2021

Amazing poem. To my favorites

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Varsha M 01 January 2021

This is beautiful allegory....i got your beautiful gist of encaptivating and moulding it ones own benefit. Beautiful heart felt expression. Into my favorites.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 02 January 2021

God may someday Find one to know your life To love your soul......yes, I hope so.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 02 January 2021

A heartwarming poem, tribute to a lake, excellently worded and loveliest rendered. I do hope to, that one day one from the forest shall love you and accept you. To MyFavourites

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Sylvia Frances Chan 02 January 2021

Beautifully built up poem, sheer scintillating. Most important is love the soul then accepting. Fantastic poem. Thank you so much for sharing

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AFFAQ NABI 16 January 2021

Its a colorful poem! Greetings dear poet🌹

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Alvaro Cuesta 12 January 2021

Heartwarming poem Suresh! Wish more people were so caring.

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Alvaro Cuesta 12 January 2021

Warmhearted poem Suresh, wish more people were so caring.

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Susan Williams 06 January 2021

4th attempt to tell you this is a stunningly beautiful poem about an important concept. a thousand star poem but have to restrain myself to five star rating

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Susan Williams 06 January 2021

I fail to see value in breaking a comment in pieces to get through PH

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