Last Sight, Last Sigh.... Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

Last Sight, Last Sigh....

Today it is her birthday
but she is no more, she has deceased
oh, how I hate repeating it this way
any other word I would have pronounced with ease

do you want to hear her story?
sure you won´t be that annoyed?
I am so sorry if though you will get bored
I must admit that my version is a bit blurry

she is a very fortunate woman
her husband is a very wealthy man, try not to insult
all of a sudden she fell ill, to the hospital she was put in a van
she could pay every specialist, she is constantly at the consult

after many many years slicking pills for her health
typical her addiction, she has so much wealth
one morning she was found dead
having slept alone in her kingsize bed
the night before she preferred to sleep alone
in her daughter´s sleeping-room, her only precious throne
that cursed night she was suffocating, no one heard her scream
she was found dead in that early morning beam
the night before she took the wrong pill of another scheme

Sylvia Frances Chan
Tuesday 12th February 2014
22.12 hrs. p.m.
True facts, no fiction, own sister-in-law
The day before she called her specialist,
at that time he had no time left, so busy was he, but though he gave her another pill to get a better sleep.
BUT that pill was the wrong pill, when she took this pill before sleeping, after some while, she started to suffocate. Since she wished to sleep alone that night, no one could hear her. Usually she sleeps in one bed with her spouse, but not that night. The only night that led to her quickened death. In Indonesia like in the Netherlands, we cannot blame the specialist, beacuse we cannot proof that. In the USA, I have heard, the family becomes at least a millionaire due to the diligent advocates. Since they get a certain amount too. God shows me the factors that led to her premature death.Like in the Garden of Eden, the human kind is free to choose himself. Dear Sister-in-law, may you rest in peace. Amen.

Last Sight, Last Sigh....
My Sister-in-law, the second daughter of my parents-in-law, who have 8 EIGHT children, each of them gained a university degree or an academic
certificate.This Sister-in-law was always fond of doctors and specialists, because she could afford that all. When she must undergo an operation, she flew to Singapore or to the Netherlands to be treated. In fact this was an absurdic situation.In Indonesia, not all patients have an assurancy, since that was too expensive for the general Indonesian, but she paid herself all consults and operations she had got. Compared with my other sisters-in-law, she had the most consults and pills. OK. This is the addition to the poem above.

Thank you for your understanding and may my Sister-in-law rest in peace.Amen.

©Sylvia Frances Chan
I miss her long distance telephone callings (she had no WA, I have)
Luo Zhihai 09 September 2019

Happy birthday to her, but she is no more, she has deceased, , So sad!

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Kumarmani Mahakul 24 March 2018

It is her birthday but she is no more, it is really heartrending message. This poem having startlingly depicted is great tribute to her. Thanks for sharing.

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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