Life, It's Precious! Poem by Clarence Prince

Life, It's Precious!

Rating: 4.2

There is nothing quite like life
In cheerful time it is life
In sorrowful time it is life
When the weather's bright it is life
When the weather's gloomy it is life
Life hasn't any given time
This life is not forever
Live it well it's precious

There is nothing quite like life
Everyone should live it right
No one should consider it light
No one should live it slight
It travels fast day and night
Life hasn't any given time
This life is not forever
Live it well it's precious

There is nothing quite like life
With a wife it is life
With a husband it is life
With children it is life
Just being alone it is life
Life hasn't any given time
This life is not forever
Live it well it's precious

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Life, It's Precious!
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Simone Inez Harriman 28 April 2016

A very important message. Every day experienced fully with mindfulness is the best day of your life..

6 0 Reply

There is nothing like life.Nice write.

3 1 Reply
Dr Antony Theodore 16 February 2016

Life hasn't any given time This life is not forever Live it well it's precious life, light, night, time, preciousness and the final advise, live it for it is precious. thank you for this wonderful meditation. God bless you dear poet. tony

3 1 Reply
Kim Barney 11 September 2015

You are so right, Clarence! Life is indeed precious. Well written and congratulations on having it selected as poem of the day!

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Mohabeer Beeharry 16 May 2016

Hi life is in fact very precious. We live it. But we little know why and what is it. Bt I do get the impression that we fashion it in the way we like, which still does not turn out the way we like. But as you say life is precious.great reading. Mohabeer Beeharry

2 1 Reply

Life how one love it although it is permanent.Wonderful write,

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Laurie Van Der Hart 28 April 2017

Hello Clatence. I didn't see this when it was poem of the day. But it's a wonderful reminder, and very beautifully written. Well done!

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Akhtar Jawad 21 April 2017

Wherever there is life it has some charms and that is why it's precious. A great thoughtful poem.

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Tammy Ancliffe 18 January 2017

I love this poem! ! ! I'm sharing it on Facebook so my people can enjoy it too! Thanks! ! !

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Annette Aitken 07 December 2016

Loving the meaning this one holds..there is only one gaurantee in life aand that is life as you see fit and treat others as you yourself would like to be treated...that is the message I was brought up with.... ;)

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