Many Are The Paths.... Poem by Daniel Brick

Many Are The Paths....

Rating: 5.0

Many are the paths you can choose
but the best one is that which displays
the brightest yellow-green light
in daytime, and the clearest access
to the moon throughout the night
as shadows lengthen in darkness,
then vanish when Light returns as dawn.

Which phase of that path do you
cherish? The daylight one with its cult
of color? Or the night with its primary
palette of grays? Which answers your need
for disguise and openness? I myself love
both light and shade, so how can I choose?
Abandon me to Light or Darkness: I am impartial,

There is a larger force at work here than my will
or my desire. It is a music which harmonizes storm
and calm, joy and sadness, togetherness and solitude.
And it abides in heavenly glory. When it descends
through the ancient spheres into our hearing, it
announces the arrival of the Paraclete, the Spirit
of the whole world, the overflowing fount of Grace.

Saturday, September 3, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: religious,visionary
Kelly Kurt 03 September 2016

Metaphorically, I choose the light. Otherwise it is a toss-up, with night holding a slim lead.

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Bharati Nayak 11 September 2016

There is a larger force at work here than my will Or my desire.It is a music that harmonizes storm and calm, joy and sadness, togetherness and solitude And it abides in heavenly glory- - - - -Why this light or darkness created by our Creator? Perhaps both of them are essential.Thanks for sharing this marvelous poem.

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Roseann Shawiak 10 September 2016

Ahhhh, Daniel, this poem has captured my attention fully, as you know I write from the light and darkness of life and the bluened light of the Divine constantly and incessantly. I cannot leave one or the other, therefore I cannot ever be impartial to either one. They are a part of the essence of my being, my mind always questioning what's in the shade and corners of darkness, yet seeing clearly what's lying in the light. You've very effectively shown your contemplative wisdom and knowledge through your truths herein. We are the ones following the greater good, we are listening to the spirit of Jesus through His mercy and grace in this world and poetically being enlightened through our experiences here on earth. What a fantastic learning curve we're privy too! You have again outdone yourself, Daniel this poem is filled with inspiration of light and shade of gray and darkness. Thank you for sharing. RoseAnn 10+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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Valsa George 07 September 2016

In this poem I hear the musings of a sage..... one who has experienced life in its ups and downs.... one who has been in light and shade...! ! . You hurl a crucial question to your readers.... which will you choose.... light or shade? .... Normally any body would choose light.... But the poet says he is impartial and would choose both light and shade as he knows that the choice is not made by man, but by a larger force at work.... something which harmonizes calm and storm! Here he is simply being wise..... the wisdom garnered through contemplation and experience....the deep insight of a sage and visionary! This is a poem that proclaims aloud a great truth! ! ! I too believe firmly that the course of our life is not merely determined by an individual, but by something beyond...! Let us call it the Spirit of the world! A profound write!

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Dimitrios Galanis 04 September 2016

the Spirit of the whole world, the overflowing fount of Grace//Beautifuly you paraphrise, dear Daniel, the myth of the paraclyte as the fount of Grace!

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Liza Sudina 04 September 2016

You praise the harmony of earthly nature, and that's true. As for Spiritual level - you mean you are 50/50, I am 80/20. And human aim is to call CHrist (Light) - to make 100% light of you. that is the aim of life.

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