Mr. Bonga And Mr. Donga Poem by Aftab Alam

Mr. Bonga And Mr. Donga

Rating: 5.0

Mr. Bonga was in trouble,
The buffalo he brought was terrible,
Milch animal did not accept straw,
It was dry and yellow,
Only green grass needed the Buffalo,

Some one suggested to Mr. Bonga,
To meet the wise - Mr Donga,
He went to him with great problem,
Explained to him with hum,

Ah! got it, worry not Bonga,
I am here the great Donga,

Take his green glass and put it,
Buffalo will take the pale dry straw,
Without any hitch-

He did the same, buffalo also enjoyed,

Long before at my childhood, some one,
Cracked this joke for fun-

The reason to here is not to tell story,
What I find in this material world,
We have been compelled to accept,
And we are put different kind of glasses,
To avoid the trouble as Mr. Bonga did,
And there hell a lot of Mr. Donga to suggest,

Where there resides greedy people,
Broker will always enjoy

Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: awakening
Pradip Chattopadhyay 03 September 2014

great wisdom in this poem of a tale.

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Akhtar Jawad 02 September 2014

Lovely blending of fun and moral, really liked it.

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