Bird was flying lavishly, un-cared, unheard
Over the dale, over the field; with no shield
Enjoying the freedom, Singing, dreaming,
Thinking: “Ah! So beautiful is the dream of a bird”
A farmer boy with catapult was guarding the yield,
Paddy crops swaying, dancing with proud of care,
Boy, seeing the bird tried to fulfilled his dream..
One small pebbles that he took and hit the bird,
Ah! Dream fallen on ground circling, cursing to fate,
Boy enjoyed with dream that was dead-late dream
Very nice presentation about Dream. Best word play, deep speculation. Many thanks.......10
One dream fulfilled another shattered by the same event. Beautifully tackled in the poem. Thank you.
note Khairul Ahsan's comment below. May he rest in sleep while we still enjoy his poetry
Boy, seeing the bird tried to fulfilled his dream.. One small pebbles that he took and hit the bird, - - - - - - - the action and the reaction can haunt a little boy for a long long time
My heart is wrenched, thinking that this is the last poem you posted on this site. You fell unconscious on your way back home from work, on the same day you posted this poem, and never regained your consciousness. May Allah SWT rest your soul in peace and grant you Jannah! The poem seems ominous, on hindsight.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
A nice poetic imagination, Aftab. You may like to read my poem, Love and Lust. Thanks
Aftab can read your poems no more. This is the last poem he wrote/posted on this site. He fell sick on the same day he posted this, while returning from work and died in a hospital later. May God rest his soul in peace!