My Sacrifice! Poem by Compton Wright

My Sacrifice!

Rating: 5.0

Is being popular is really worth it
As they say that would give me greatness
Status placement above all of the others
my face would grace covers of the magazines
getting fame like no other man could ever have
Their eyes glow green with the logo of our dreams
the purpose of our crimes and suffering
an obscene obsession with the devil’s green paper

I could live as a god and I would
Never feel pain and never be
Without pleasure again but as
But as my life goes I have no queen
To go with my power and glory I have
So I need a match that is my soul mate
But I start to become lonely without a love to have
Made for the Heavens but if it doesn’t fly
Then set the flames and
So I continue my rule over the school’s students
They love my darkness upon my corrupted heart
I make them heartless like mindless monsters
As my grades plowed to the ground
As teachers tried to help but I need to
Impress my crowd but I start to see my
Downfall of the emperor’s iron was about
To rust upon my eyes can see from afar

As my lights dimmed as they told me
To lower my knowledge to be one of them
So I sacrifice my reputations to stop
My own destruction of my fate as well
My other followers so I burn my throne
And turn my crown into scrap metal
To be put away from the pages of the sages
And the Chambers of The Kings as
I want to be exiled to the outcasts
As some described me as the trusted misleader
As I’m its gas, water, and electricity,
I'm its gym, and its math, and its history,
its hallways and the gunshots in the classrooms

So leave me be in my shame and my sorrow
So I can change my ways and become
A better leader, role model, a hint of hope in
Their hearts and souls as this sacrifice
Of becoming a role model student will mean
Friend betrayal, exile from the school and maybe
A bit of suicide from the lonesomeness but
I must help out my people and sacrifice myself
Like Jesus Christ did to purified our sins
Well it like purifying the school’s errors
And hopefully my sacrifice won’t go in vein

<font color =fusha>Amy 11 December 2008

very well written and thought about, nice one!

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C.H. Seow 07 December 2008

wow..yet another impressive and well penned poem! good job!

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Fiona Davidson 05 December 2008

Well written Compton....loved reading this...thank you...

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