Never Letting Go Poem by LeeAnn Azzopardi

Never Letting Go

Rating: 5.0

Take a glance at my eyes?
What do you see?
Do you see the tears?
No, you can't
All you see is a sad puppy of a woman
A woman who you ignored
But would still stand by you
Even though, you did something wrong
My heart is darkened with longing
For you don't see yr mistakes.....
And the tears fall
They wet my cheeks at night
And my eyes are red
You don't see the torture in them
Or my soul destoryed by patience
Waiting for you to realise
It was me all along that loved you
Never letting you go

Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: devotion
Evelyn Judy Buehler 01 August 2024

This tale of a troubled love affair is beautifully written.

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Richard Wlodarski 31 July 2024

It's so very very sad when unconditional love is not mutually exclusive. May the 'sad puppy of a woman' now become a spontaneous and high- spirited lioness!

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Anjandev Roy 31 July 2024

Absolutely brilliant piece..... thank u... LeeAnn....

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2) " It was me all along that loved you"… never letting go. Nice top score and added to Myfav

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Love is "letting go"…nice poem LeeAnn " you don't see yr mistakes..... " no one sees own mistakes.. In the mirrors we see our best looks…,

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