One Earth Poem by Pallab Chaudhury

One Earth

Rating: 5.0

Out of thousand galaxies
And a million of planets and stars
We have only one earth
We just live in different longitudes
and latitudes.

When light and shadow plays in our country
A moonlit night there on the other side.
The clouds that sails above our country
Often descend on them as rain;
Winter birds that live in their country
Come and play in the lake nearby us.
The trees of our country during their sleep
Get refreshed air from them at night.
We all, are under the same sun
And swinging on the same life-swing.

Out of thousand galaxies
And a million of planets and stars
We have only one earth.
We should keep it alive

Let it be the promise
We need to keep.

Translated: 9th Jan 2023.


Richard Wlodarski 06 February 2023

A well deserved honour for honoring our home! Pallab, Heartiest of Congrats on POD!

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Pallab Chaudhury 06 February 2023

Thanking you for the very positive comments and appreciation.... Stay safe and healthy...

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Kumarmani Mahakul 06 February 2023

We have only one earth. We should keep it alive....right dictum. It is really a beautiful poem. Thanks and congratulations for

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Indira Renganathan 01 February 2024

Out of thousand galaxies And a million of planets and stars We have only one earth. We should keep it alive Let it be the promise We need to keep....Very meaningful and rightly suggestive.Good poem indeed.Liked very much

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MAHTAB BANGALEE 08 February 2023

yeah, Let it be the promise We need to keep.; great to read, congrats for being selected the poem as POD

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Pallab Chaudhury 09 February 2023

Thanking you dear for the beautiful and very positive comments....

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 07 February 2023

Thank you for this wonderful poem. Needless to add it goes to my favourite with top marks

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Pallab Chaudhury 09 February 2023

Thanking you so much for the beautiful comments and appreciation.... Stay safe and healthy...

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 07 February 2023

Fantastic poem that deserves all attention and praise. We have ONLY ONE Earth. Let us love it, nurture it and keep it safe.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 07 February 2023

Wow! Pallab! So very happy to see your poem as the Poem of the day.Heartfelt Congratulations.

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