Perils Of Pearls Poem by Wanda Swim Strunk

Perils Of Pearls

Rating: 5.0

Old broken words in spineless protection
At best
Is dimly Lit

Audience remains
By elderly expressions that linger
Stuck to a page
Failing to age like fine wine

Unable to follow Yeats lead
Or like the gist of
Not the tedium that is Shakespeare

Contemporary Constituents
Live on tried and true expressions
When fresh words are all around
To be understood by the subsequent generation

Those in charge of the wordy world
Blinded by advanced degrees
Unable to see
A Charles Chaim Wax
A Jake Hassler
A Mary Nagy
In their time

Egotistic Language lords
Spin silk
From a sow’s ear
Eager that with ears taken
Eyes wont open to the fact
They want the swine to think its pearls

Snobs with caviar lipstick
Only truly know what is art

Numb audience
Dumbly decide
To what is seen and heard
The genuine cant be seen by the unauthentic
Too busy stringing their cultured pearls on fools gold thread

Mary Nagy 17 July 2006

What a beautiful poem Wanda. I'm shocked to see I'm mentioned! Wow! What an honor. Aside from the mention of my name, I really do think this poem. I love the way you've described the old poetry and poets......very nice. I'm sorry I missed this when you posted it! Sincerely, Mary

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Sonny Rainshine 05 May 2006

Images to die for: 'caviar lipstick, ' 'language lords.' It's a real pity that poetry, as well as the other arts, is so dominated by elitists. The most we can hope for is that the things we write, or paint, or the music we create, gets noticed by someone, somewhere. I certainly noticed your fine work here. Good job.

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Brian Dorn 05 May 2006

Wow, Wanda... your point is brilliantly made! Today's poets don't get the recognition they deserve (including the three you've mentioned) . An exceptional write, one of which I hope the 'snobs' take notice of! Brian

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