Dropp’d feather from the wings of God
My little songs and snatches are,
So light He does not hear them fall
As He goes by, from star to star.
Dropp’d feathers from the wings of God
I find, and braid them in my hair;
Men heed them not--they only make
My soul unto herself more fair.
Sheer poetry and so beautifully worded, repeating the reading, I so feel the authentic lovely poetic tone and such a unique tone. I truly missed this tone in many many classic poems, but this one sounds like the declamation days during my study. Make me homesick to that period Today a constant overloaded agenda, but so it be, Congratulations to thy beloved family for being chosen as Classic Poem Of The Day. I do hope they read too.
they only make My soul unto herself fair Poet's song wonderfully defined.
Such a great poem by Karle Wilson Baker..................
I have enjoyed enormously this great Classic Poet's Song, such enthralling poem! 5 Stars fullest on Top.
Congratulations to thy beloved family for being chosen as Classic Poem Of The Day. I do hope they read too
Dropp’d feathers from the wings of God I find, and braid them in my hair; Men heed them not- they only make My soul unto herself more fair. a very fine poem. tony
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Men heed them not- they only make My soul unto herself more fair.....so touching and impressive with nice theme., Beautiful poem.