Polio Outbreak- The Philippines Poem by Daya Nandan

Polio Outbreak- The Philippines

The Philippines has announced an outbreak of polio,
After being Polio free since 19 years ago,
All thanks to the fools and their anti vaccine movement,
Fools who do not know how to appreciate scientific improvement,

There is no cure for polio, but it is preventable through vaccination,
Only supportive measures that can help the infected of a nation,
Imagine surviving polio as a child and being in a ventilator for life,
Polio can cut life spans faster than a killer's knife,

As many as 11 million Filipino children under five face a risk of death or disability,
Imagine watching your life get fall apart as you slowly lose each ability,
only 40 percent of children under the age of five have received a polio vaccine by injection,
Meaning 3 in 5 are susceptible to Polio and can spread it through the nation,

These uneducated fools spreading lies with no evidence,
Don't understand how bad things get when herd immunity is no longer a defense
They don't understand how hard it is for doctors to manage these cases,
How frustrating it is watching human stupidity cause outbreaks in places,

These people from the anti vaccination group have caused a mess,
Leaving people and health care staff with so much stress,
Their stupidity and poor understanding of the importance of vaccination,
Has caused the current polio outbreak in the nation!

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