Pretty Woman Poem by Dorsey Baker

Pretty Woman

Rating: 4.2

Pretty woman looking
so good from head to toe,
Pretty woman looking
so good from head to toe,
Pretty woman you love
more than anyone can know

Pretty woman, aint no man
can ever handle you, Pretty
aint no man can ever
handle you
no matter
what they say or do

Pretty woman
I'm attracted to your
body and weak to your touch
Pretty woman
I'm attracted to your
body and weak to your touch
Pretty woman, I'm over powered
by you-you're just
Too much!

Monday, March 31, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: romance
I wrote this after thinking about all the pretty women in the world!
Mary Elise Shipley 08 April 2018

Pretty woman, ain't no man can ever handle you no matter what they do to you to teat you like that, all they think is to have with you that's all I ask of you Pretty Woman be careful what you do! From Phantom of the Opera! !

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Mary E. Shipley 08 April 2018

Pretty Woman; ain't no man can never to handle you, no matter what they do to treat you like that in public! all they think is to have with you that's all I ask of you, You Pretty Woman do careful what you do... From your friend, Phantom Of The Opera!

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Allotey Abossey 07 June 2015

Beauty is a thing of the heart which surely reflects on the body with much brilliance and splendour. If you meet such an one, you cannot but to write and talk about her. God bless you

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Kim Barney 22 June 2015

So much truth expressed here. Well written. Thanks for sharing.

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Akhtar Jawad 31 March 2018

Pretty woman, I'm over powered by you-you're just Too much! ...Each and every line of this beautiful poem touches its readers.

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Of course, " Pretty woman you love yourself more than anyone can knowl… is so true.

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Prettiness of a woman (or man) is not just her (his) bodily charm. It is the entire personality of the person. And why should man ‘handle' her? She should command respect from one and all, for what she is!

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Dr Antony Theodore 14 October 2020

Pretty woman you love yourself more than anyone can know. Pretty woman, you are just too much. a fine poem and the human reactions. tony

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Chinedu Dike 01 October 2019

Really an insightful poem on what make a pretty woman thick. A lovely creation nicely put together. Thanks for sharing.

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A pretty woman is so much to the poet.

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