My beats ceased
When you left me alone……………………
My heart cried
In a monotonous tone………………………..
Conveying the state
Of my heart to thee…………………….
Come back my soul
Heartily I plea…………………….
I searched for you
In the roses and dews…………………..
I wandered through the gardens of love,
Just for a little clue……………………
And in grief of being separated apart, in my body I plunged your love's dart…………………
And carved your beautiful name in my still heart……………………………….
Copyright © Yash Shinde 2012
As you have carved 'your name' on your heart, it is sure to bleed for some time and the beats will be louder. Let this separation tone your longing and upgrade the thought plank further. If the food of love is suffering, every lover must love on...
Awesome imagination.. Loved the images you created with roses, dews and garden.. :) Lovely!
very good write up...may i suggest something? if you leave thinking about sonnet here, then you can modify the couplet into the triplet, And in grief of being separated apart, in my body I plunged your love's dart And carved your beautiful name in my still heart but it's a humble suggestion being the student of poetry myself...
Lovely poem! It's beautiful! Showing passion. Amazing! (:
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
I cannot believe such a young mind has such a well rounded vision on the world! this is gorgeous yash... it really is....i hope you don't mind but to me where the flow is so perfect and easy to follow (not all poetry need be easy to feel the flow) but this to me is one of them... the 3rd stanza, last line has too many syllables... maybe dropp (little) ... or swop (to get) and replace with (for) Obviously this is just my reaction to this write and others may have a different opinion....karen