Strength Of A Man Poem by Paul Sebastian

Strength Of A Man

Rating: 5.0

Strength of a man is not measured
By what he achieves when pressured
But, how he manages through, smiling
How he achieves through team playing
How his disciplined character is arrayed
How through trials, he is portrayed.

Strength of a man is not measured
By how he wields power, acquired
But, how he carries his profession
How he exemplifies, his work passion
How he leads others to follow
Tested winners path, he knows
Takes no credit for team’s win
Cheering team-play, is overseen

Strength of a man is not measured
By how he wards off, criticisms darted
But how he stands up, faces bravely
How he clears mind clouds fairly
How he wins a win-win situation
Motive: not to project his position.

Strength of a man is not measured
By how much wealth he has amassed
But how much, given to the deserving
How opportunities, given to the waiting
How he helped change lives of others
How he’s been a lighthouse, for wanderers

Strength of a man is not measured
By his physical dominance over others
But respects, honours the weaker sex
He doesn’t resort to any form, violence
Like wise men, love messages in silence
He not selfish, jealous, rude or unkind
But forgiving, not calling faults to mind

Strength of a man is in his character
Earns respect, good-values respecter
He is the rock of his family
Love and home-making is priority
Keeps God in the centre of family
Praying, minding them prayerfully.

Thursday, May 29, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: leadership
Loke Kok Yee 15 September 2015

With people like you, there's still hope for Malaysia during this difficult times.

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Gajanan Mishra 29 May 2014

character is strength, and it is true, thanks. please read my poems and say something.

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Amitava Sur 21 June 2014

A good inspiring poem detailing about the strength of man

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Akhtar Jawad 28 October 2014

Strength of a man is in his character Earns respect, good-values respecter He is the rock of his family Love and home-making is priority Keeps God in the centre of family Praying, minding them prayerfully. A poem with a great moral........10

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Ira Williams 03 April 2018

Timonthy T Williams Sr

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Linet Sabastian 06 December 2016

A very educative poem.

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Linet Sabastian 06 December 2016

This is a very educative poem.

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Champion Paul 09 June 2016

great one.. You just said it all

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V.m.saraswathy Munuswamy 18 April 2016

What a macho, manly charisma, hope it's you, thanks, ur experience is vivid, perfect poem, all men should read

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Paul Sebastian 18 April 2016

Thank you so much for your appreciation. Man is born from his thoughts that make his chosen values. Values in turn form his attitude and that makes his habits of behaviour summing up his chracter.

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