Teenage Pregnancy Poem by Anita Khelawan

Teenage Pregnancy

Rating: 5.0

Giving birth at a tender age was not my intention,
How did this happen to me is still a confusion.
'Pregnant', me ha! never!
But his charming looks and boy was he clever.
The naive girl that I was, believed his lies and how he loved me so much,
I could not resist his charm but he convinced me wit his soothing and caressing touch.

The first time I saw Danny, he looked so handsome, strong and fun,
But coming to the end he turned out to be a real bum.
He wooed me with words and won me over,
I was shocked we would actually exchange our numbers.
When he first called, I could not believe it is really Danny.
We talked and talked for more than three hours,
Days and weeks had past; just before you know it we became closer.

Danny called me during the midday and told me to come home by him to lime and to have a bit of one on one time together.
I agreed to his idea but what did i know?
I thought all the girlfriends were doing it.

As soon as I entered his house, he started kissing me everywhere and all about.
He told me to relax and do not be afraid,
I pleaded with him to stop that I was not ready for that kind of thing.
Danny said, 'girl why are you so uptight? '
But i could not care, I screamed with all might.
Stop! Please! Stop!
He gave me a slap and told me to shut up.
I was humiliated, embarrassed and afraid.
And no one came to my aid.

When he was done he sent me home,
I called 999 on my telephone.
We, my parents took him to court and won the case.
I thought my sorrows had gone,
But little did I know my troubles had just begun.
Danny is gone in the wind but where does that leave me?
A baby and I am only fifteen.

Luz Hanaii 21 July 2011

What a hard experience, I'm sure you have had to mature real fast with such an experience. Very touching poem. Best to you and your baby.

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Ash .... 21 August 2013

your poem speaks volume and i must saying it's moved my heart

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Kewayne Wadley 16 February 2016

I love the amount of craft you put into this. Your storytelling ability is amazing! The outside view of the characters then bringing us to a closer view. Superb! I hate the outcome and we do need to spread more Awareness as it happens everyday. Great piece! KW

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Anita Khelawan 16 February 2016

thnx you for your lovely response.... this is my 1st and only fictional poem.. :)

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Amara Shengbe 24 October 2019

The poem is so, so educative. I will like to use it in school clubs here in Sierra Leone in order to raise the awareness of girls about the lasting effect teen pregnancy will have on them. Thanks and stay blessed An

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Anita Khelawan 26 October 2019

Thank you so much and you are more than welcome to use it. Have a wonderful day

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Kaja Alfred 13 October 2019

Danny is a monster I pray god be there for you and your baby....

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Naila Rais 20 September 2018

Soooo sad.................. Keep courage..........10 Naila

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Chinedu Dike 28 June 2018

Deep and passionate write. Very heartfelt. Thanks for sharing Anita and do remain enriched.

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Anitah Muwanguzi 05 April 2016

This is incredible Anita, and yes getting pregnant in school or unmarried is one fear most of us have growing up.

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