The Man From Bordeaux.... Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

The Man From Bordeaux....

That handsome man I painted last night,
had disappeared from my canvas,
was it this morning or last night,
I don't know anymore, if I'm right, alas!

I don't know either exactly when,
since I slept so tight, my friend.
The fact is, he is no more on my canvas, it seems
he has eloped with my best friend
or were they just my dreams?

I looked at my palet that night,
all colors are still complete, untouched
deep sea blue, ochre yellow, Titian red, and zinc white
only Bordeaux red was used, that much.

my handsome Bordeaux red man hasn't returned yet
a blank canvas is all I have now, I'm really truly sad.

Notes: aquarel = watercolor painting.
bordeaux = the same red color as in the picture.

© Sylvia Frances Chan
Copyright Protected

This photograph is taken from own Aquarel by Sylvia Frances Chan and is called: "The Man From Bordeaux" or: "Aquarel in Bordeaux"
One of My favorite Aquarels.
AD. Saturday 12th Sept 2015-
19 C Degrees -@ 4.38 hrs.A.M. W.E.Time.
Happy BirthDAY to you, René! Many Happy Returns of The Day!
God´s Blessings in Abundance for you, René! Note: This is not a birthday tribute, but co-incidentally written on his Birthday and it was first published on on René´s BirthDay. Coincidentally, as oft I had done.

TODAY: AD. Saturday 17th February 2018-
@ 4.51 hrs A.M.- West-European Time.
Four Celcius Degrees below Zero in a snowy area and very very frosty cold. It feels like minus 10 Celcius Degrees.
Co-incidentally published today on the BirthDay of my 2nd-grade classmate from childhood in Jakarta, Indonesia. Happy BirthDAY to you, Esmeralda! Enjoy your Day! Many Happy Returns of The Day. God Bless You!

The Man From Bordeaux....
Friday, February 16, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: art,poem
Published earlier on this Poem Site last year on the 28th of November with the title: "Aquarel in Bordeaux" Coincidentally was that the Birthday of one of my friends, her name is Lily.

AND TODAY is coincidentally the BirthDay of my 2nd-grade classmate from childhood in Jakarta, Indonesia. Happy BirthDAY to you, Esmeralda! Enjoy your Day! Many Happy Returns of The Day. God Bless You!
Laurie Van Der Hart 30 November 2018

So what happened to the man from Bordeaux? I’m intrigued. Did you on, y dream that you had painted him? I dream that I can play my piano pieces and speak Korean fluently...!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 30 November 2018

That I painted and it is hung in my bedroom above my bed. Thank you for your interesting question.GBU in abundance. Amen.

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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