The Masterpiece Poem by Captain Herbert Poetry

The Masterpiece

Rating: 5.0

How wonderful You have chosen me
To be drawn and be Depicted
Your Hand gently Sketch my Pictures
Shaded shadows in my Heart

In many curvatures of my life
You still have made a great Painting

Thank You God to be Your Masterpiece
How lovely laid Your Touch of Hands of me
How deepest love to Portray like Me
I bow to the Greatest Maker
No other than You

How marvelous You’ve created me
With many wonderful colors
To know the beautiful meanings of my Life
In a black and gray Sides of my Canvas
You have made it with Oil of my Protection

In many Curvatures of My Life
In many Grim Views of my Being
Unsymmetrical with You
Perspective is all Unguided
You still have Made a great Painting

Thank You Lord to be Your Masterpiece
How Grateful Your Remembrance on Me
How profound and Creative to Design on Me
We awe to the Greatest Maker

Even I am Weak figure
Even I am Imperfect Model
You never Scratch me
You never Erase me
And You never Disregarded Me

Monday, April 14, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: spiritual
Tanya Gupta 18 April 2014

its wonderfull poem with beautifull concept, loved reading it..

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Shania K. Younce 23 April 2014

This poem just absolutely lovely. So, well put. Bien!

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Helena Zen 06 May 2014

.....A masterpiece of work of Poetry.

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Vilma Gomez 04 May 2014

Blockbuster piece. Highly wonderful. Best poem

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Susan Wall 01 May 2014

very nice keep up with writing poetry you will continue to get better eveyday.

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Fiona Schwartzinoff 28 April 2014

so lovely and true! G-d is good! Shalom!

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Jessica Hernandezdamian 25 April 2014

I completely love this poem. Its so lovely. Great poem..

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