The Summer Wind Poem by Daniel Brick

The Summer Wind

Rating: 5.0

The summer wind rushes through
tree branches, twisting leaves
as if determined to rip them
from their branches and cast them
over lawns and lakes and streams.
But once passed, the summer wind
has caused no damage: branches are
unbroken, and their leaves hang limp
and unruffled in the heat. You too
stand still, your arms stretched
high above your head, your hands
fluttering like birds ready to launch
into deep sky-flight. You turn and twist
until dizziness sets in and you plop
onto the lawn and curl your body
into a tight ball. The grass is soft and
pliant. You may drift into sleep and be
far away from me, even though I stand near
and watch your every breath. You are dear
to me: it is no chore to be thus on a summer
day. Accept this bouquet of dandelions, bright
and sun-charged. It is a thing of beauty,
short-lived but long-remembered. Look, I fling
the bouquet into the passing wind, and for a brief
moment three things are air-borne: the wind itself,
the flying dandelions, and my heart released into flight.

Monday, July 9, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: friendship,nature
Nosheen Irfan 11 July 2018

How artfully nature and feelings are entwined here. Summer wind has stirred your soul and such lovely verses pour out. Nature is a huge inspiration to poets. Here you have proved what depth Nature can lend to a man's heart.

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Glen Kappy 10 July 2018

hey, daniel! at the start of this poem i expected what we see here in what we sometimes call a male rain—leaves and branches ripped from trees. in an especially bad one there is hail that shreds the leaves. in the aftermath upon the ground are leaf litter, twigs, whole branches, and piled dirt from the fast-moving water. we prefer the female rains, gentle and sustained that deeply soak the ground. either way, we're grateful for the moisture. -glen

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Kelly Kurt 09 July 2018

A wonderful description of the soul's intertwining with a day.

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Mahtab Bangalee 09 July 2018

wow by reading it seems I'm in this event of this descriptive friendship poetic diction- excellent - You may drift into sleep and be far away from me, even though I stand near and watch your every breath. You are dear ........... Accept this bouquet of dandelions (cause) .. It is a thing of beauty, short-lived but long-remembered. wow how wonderful these lines are! great writings

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Robert Murray Smith 09 July 2018

Nice write Daniel. I love nature poems. ++10

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