The Wisdom Of The Dolphin - Η Σοφία Του Δελφινιού Poem by Kostas Lagos

The Wisdom Of The Dolphin - Η Σοφία Του Δελφινιού

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Thus has spoken the hermit of the islet:

No matter how many books you've read

to what expensive schools you were sent

Despite all the knowledge you're holdin'

you'll never have the wisdom of the dolphin

Αυτά είπε της βραχονησίδας ο ερημίτης:

Όσα στη ζωή σου κι αν διάβασες βιβλία

κι όσα κι αν τελείωσες ακριβά σχολεία Παρ' όλη τη γνώση που ίσως να κατέχεις

τη σοφία του δελφινιού ποτέ σου δε θα έχεις

Sunday, August 18, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: wisdom
Hans Vr 23 August 2019

I love the idea expressed in this poem. Dolphins seem always kind and friendly and that piece of wisdom cannot be found in any books; it is not taught in any schools and even the people who seem to really care for us ask us to compete and win, rather than always be kind and friendly. A good and thought provoking poem

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Valsa George 22 August 2019

It is believed that Dolphins are very wise! Probably they have greater wisdom than we humans have who gloat over our intelligence! Rightly put!

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Panagiota Romios 19 August 2019

How lovely dolphins are. Your piem encourages thought! Panagiota Romios

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Akhtar Jawad 18 August 2019

Dolphins love humans and help them when they are in crisis, that; s what we should learn from them. A beautiful poem.

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Jane Campion 18 August 2019

Makes one think. Your poems are always interesting.

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