Tidal Waves Poem by Fiona Davidson

Tidal Waves

Fingers trace their thoughts
Across my skin lightly
As I gaze into your soul
Drowning in the green
Oceans so deep within
Promises of adventures
Yet to be found inside us
Your lips take my breath
Leave me gasping sweetly
Body rising beneath your eyes
To greet your love with mine
Passion carries me with it
Into your arms so strong
Want and need collide
In a rollercoaster ride
That steals time from us
And places us in eternity
Heaven is ours for a moment
Remembered forever in minds
Unprepared for strength
Of emotions like tidal waves
That crash against our shores

Chuck Audette 04 December 2009

reads in one breath, as if buried under a tumultuous mountain of water.... -chuck

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Sue Sie 05 November 2009

Very powerful piece of writing...and the passion that rises through your words are ...described as a comparison of a great 'Tidal wave'...well written Sue

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Fay Slimm 03 November 2009

Fantastic verse Fi.... glad to see you posting again - - this is masterful writing - - thank you - - Fay

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Joseph Poewhit 03 November 2009

Then the sand castles are all gone.

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Fiona Davidson

Fiona Davidson

From beyond time
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