Time Master Poem by Daniel Brick

Time Master

Rating: 5.0

TIME can stun an unsuspecting
person, so I will be generous
and give extra hours to philosophers
to read and reflect, to clarify and
compose, hours that are now theirs
by my decision, by my power.

And next I authorize the dispersal
of time in excess to gardeners,
so they can pause in early afternoon,
after a morning of hard work,
and simply stare at Nature's
plenty, secure in their success.

And the same goes to those sturdy
builders, whose pride of being is
our great city's walls, our defense
against a savagery in other tribes
that sinks below the level of beasts,
so base is their greed for conquest.

And the children! Oh, don't let me
forget the children! Gather around me,
dear children. Your ruddy faces look
healthy with delight. To you I assign
those random seconds and minutes
that adults carelessly disgard. Enjoy!

But I reserve extra days and weeks
that pile up like disgarded treasures
to the POETS of our city, our chronicles,
our living Memories are safe with them.
Poets, every one of you, we see your struggles,
waiting through long hours for the Muses' Call.

As long as I am Time Master, as long as
all of you trust me to serve our city,
I will honor the Poets with a special share
of time: they will live a twenty-eight hour
instead of our two dozen hours. Poets, ply
your trade, sing your songs, make us rich in visions!

Saturday, May 7, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life,time
Pamela Sinicrope 09 May 2016

Love this poem and its title. An exuberant take on an oft written theme...one tackled by philosphers, poets, and scientists alike. What a proclamation! I accept time master...thank you.

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Roseann Shawiak 09 May 2016

Wow! Really intense and very productive through inspiration of we poets! I feel like a child all the time, wondering and curious about everything in life, nothing escaping my mind or intellect. Details being woven into every poem written. A never-ending flow of poetry that can never be detoured or stopped because maybe you are the master of time and have given me a tremendous amount of time to accomplish my life's work in a final epic left to the world when I'm gone. Using imagination to traipse through your words, feeling akin to them. Great poem filled with the random seconds and minutes of thoughts already placed within it, just like a master of time! Thank you for sharing, Daniel.

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Bharati Nayak 08 May 2016

It is nice to hear how you want to spend your time - -In the company of philosophers, , farmers, soldiers children, writers and poets.It is how you value people from different vocations and appreciate their contributions to the society in general and to your life in particular.A great poem, thank you for sharing.

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Kelly Kurt 07 May 2016

A lovely thought, Daniel, but do not give up one millisecond of your time. It will end soon enough and you are a poet

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