Together We Make Gods Envy Poem by Thomas Viruvelil

Together We Make Gods Envy

Togetherness is great
It send thrill through every cell of me.
It make adrenalin flow fast.
It intoxicates
send me in the sky
with gods.
When you are with me
I feel like floating in the air
with happiness all around and inside me
When I turn my face and look
I can see your eyes filled with love
so soft and so charming
your eyes spark with love soothing
I can go on sit looking at them.
When my hands move to the side
I can feel your hand
soft hot and touching your hand
I feel I am the happiest man in the world
cause I have my smi in my hand
When I move my hand in your lap
I can feel your soft thighs
touching them
I feel as if I am in heaven
Your body gets slightly hot
and my hands can feel the lovely hot soft feeling of touching your thighs
and my mind murmurs to me
Here you have your smi
with you so close
you can touch and feel her
she is all yours
Are you not the luckiest happiest man
in the world?
when I move my hand to hold you
close to me
I tell myself
here you have your dearest smi
so close
so lovely
so loving
made for you when the world was born.
God is a bit naughty.
He made you run through ages and births
searching for your dearest.
Finally you got her
hold her close to you
close to your chest
close to your heart
close to your mind
close to you forever
She is so precious
hold her close
feel her body heat
heart beat
close very close to you.
For this moment I travelled through ages and births
and my smi
your sound so thrilling
so soothing
is now very close to me.
Even if I die next moment
any day
I have no regrets and complaints to God
cause he brought me close to my smi
made me feel greatest of all pleasures
of being with my smi
Now I do not mind dying
holding my hand inside the soft hot hand of smi
laying my head between the soft hot thighs of smi
let anything even death come to me
I do not need anything more from life
cause I got the best life can give me-
my dearest smi

Thomas Viruvelil

Thomas Viruvelil

Cochin, Kerala state, India
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