Tomorrow Lives On... Poem by Richard Wlodarski

Tomorrow Lives On...

Rating: 5.0

Or, fortunately
We learn best
Through mistakes
Through failures
Through sadness
Through such grief
Through such pain
That kills us
Our hearts
Our souls
Our lives
And then...we're reborn
Spirit frees the chains
For a walk with God
For a talk with God
And tomorrow lives on...

Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: lessons of life
Inspired by words from Susan Williams that made me cry with such great joy!
Jayne Louise Davies 17 May 2022

Great write! Well done x

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Anjandev Roy 18 May 2022

.........we're reborn......brilliant....

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For the good spirits to awaken and lead us through a glorious path.....Thank you Richard....10

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Geeta, you and so many good spirits, on this site alone, are leading us through that glorious path. When I read yours and their poetry, I experience the greatest natural high. Sincere thanks for your continued support and encouragement. And for adding this to your favourites.

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How wonderful to walk and talk with God! So heart warming, beautiful and divine!

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Geeta, there is no greater experience! And when I'm writing poetry, this is happening all of the time. Especially with, the spiritual poems. Fulfilling my promise to God made a long time ago.

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Kevin Patrick 17 May 2022

Such a true sentiment, its only through pain and loss that we are able to truly adapt and grow and become better human beings. A prescient write Richard! and a great inspirations from Susan, any time I feel the pain of mistakes, this poem will console me to know there what make me grow.

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Kevin, the prescience comes from God. And has saved my life more than once. If my poem consoles you in any way, it will make both God and me very happy.

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Evelyn Judy Buehler 17 May 2022

A wonderful poem, with so much wisdom.5 stars.

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Thank you so much, Evelyn. After 70 years of living, I've managed to gain a teeny weeny bit of wisdom. Wish I had more to offer. I'm working on it.

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