Vedas 12 - One Hundred & Eight Upanishads Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Vedas 12 - One Hundred & Eight Upanishads

Rating: 5.0

Upanishads are
Undoubtedly, intellectual treats,
Unravelling, the secrets of the intellect,
Uplifting the mind with its profundities,
Untold delights of its sublime intricacies,
Unfolding a recognition of the Oneness!

Mainly a work attributed to Yajur Veda,
Mentions one hundred and eight Upanishads,
Most exhaustive treatises of higher mind!
Master of Vedanta Philosophy - Adi Sankaracharya
Marks eleven Upanishads as the authentic Upanishads.

Sri Sankarcharya, with his brilliant mind,
Styled, decorated and defined the Upanishads,
Selecting eleven Upanishads as major works,
Super thoughts, super interpretations, super commentaries,
Shinning gems ornamented into a beautiful necklace,
Sheer magical, intellectual brilliance!

The celebrated eleven Upanishads are:
Isha Upanishad, Prashna Upanishad,
Kena Upanishad, Katha Upanishad,
Mundaka Upanishad, Maandukya Upanishad,
Aitareya, Taittireeya, Svetaashvatara Upanishads,
Chaandogya and Brihadaaranya Upanishads!

Let us together study the fundamental idea,
As interpreted by the first commentator,
Sri Adi Sankaracharya - the Great!
Let us unitedly, learn, imbibe and absorb,
The highest object of the Upanishads,
To refresh, elevate and strengthen our spirits.

Sunday, June 10, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: philosophy,scriptural
Reference: 112 Upanishads: Translated by a board of scholars and other philosophical texts as mentioned in the notes of Vedas 10
Red Soul 18 June 2018

Fairly early in my life I was told of the Vedas and ancient scriptures of India. I never really read much, but looking back, I believe I did go through a couple of Upanishads... Probably the ISAVASYA and BRHADARANYAKA upanishads. I am not much a man of spirituality, but I really appreciate the thoughts in such scriptures. We should all take the advices that give peace to mind from them. In this day and age, we really need that. A great inititive ma'am. Thanks for sharing: -)

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Thank you Red Poet for your nice comment. Isavasya and Brhadaranyaka are two of the most important Upanishads. They teach man to have a goal and pursue the goal with 'Ekagrata' to gain PEACE. When we use the word 'religion' or even for that matter 'spirituality' everything seems to change. Bless you!

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 12 June 2018

YOU have a very analytical mind MA'AM... and I liked the way you a dance defined... LET A LOVER COME HOME TO ME- - then only happy she will be...and you will perform the dance with glee... the whole world will be happy share all good thoughts with humanity all will be very happy ignorance shall be dissolved we all know not much of all professionals must delight one and all Share what you know specifics will glow

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Thank you dear Poet for your nice words of encouragement. I shall be reading and commenting on your poems too, soon. Meanwhile, God bless!

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Rajnish Manga 12 June 2018

To introduce Vedanta and Upanishads to a layman is a tedious job but you have been doing it with the pace grace it deserves. The growth of the subject is greatly satisfying as it carries the brilliance of thought as well as the beauty of a poetic treat. Thank you, Geeta ji, with all my good wishes.

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To make philosophy a poem is no mean task. Yet, i am trying my level best to make a 'philosophical rhythm'. :) More than that it is the review of a poet with high calibre, dignity, and value, like you, Rajnish ji, that makes this whole effort worthwhile and joyful. Thank you so much for your consistent support.

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Kelly Kurt 11 June 2018

Humans have long been philosophical. It surprises many that such deep thoughts were in ancient minds. India, China, Greece and others were considering things thousands of years ago. Many in modern culture only consider the trivial. Please keep enlightening us my dear friend. I know it is time consuming and laborious, but it is appreciated.

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Thank you so much Kelly. Such a nice review. You are absolutely right. It is a laborious work that i have undertaken. Sometimes, i do get stuck with a word, line or verse. I need to be very careful in what i put forth specially of its mystic nature. It is noble friends like you that motivate me to take a step further. I am very grateful Kelly.

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Unnikrishnan E S 11 June 2018

Hi Geeta, Ishopanishad starts with this shloka: ॐ पूणमदः पूणमदं पूणात् पूणमुदयते । पूणय पूणमादाय पूणमेवावशयते ॥ Ohm purnamidah purnamadam purnamudachyte Purnasya purnamaadaya purnameva avasishyate. And, the most relevant invocation: Tena tyaktena bhunjeetha is also from ishopanishad. Very relevant poem. Sharing the profound knowledge from Indian philosophy. Thank you.10+++++

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Thank you Unni for aiding me to make the meaning of the Upanishads more clearer to the readers. I appreciate your support.

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