Vincent Van Gogh 59 - Mijnheer Tersteeg Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Vincent Van Gogh 59 - Mijnheer Tersteeg

Rating: 5.0

Mijnheer Tersteeg was a handsome man
With a round face, brown hair, neatly combed,
Revealing his high forehead, full beard that flowed
And ‘eyes as pellucid as a Dutch lake sky'.
He dressed in a classic way, with an artistic look, and style!

Tersteeg knew Vincent and liked him too.
When Vincent joined the London office of Goupils,
Tersteeg wrote a beautiful note to them about Vincent's virtues.
He was now meeting Vincent again, after many years.
Much had changed. Tersteeg was well established art dealer now.

While Vincent was in the Borinage,
Tersteeg had sent him the book ‘Excersises au Fusain'
And ‘Cours de Dessin Bargue', so that it would help
Vincent study and practice the art of drawing & painting.
All the more reason for Vincent to feel hopeful.

Mijnheer Tersteeg strived to bring about a change
He brought all the rising young Dutch artistes together.
Anton Mauve, Josef, Jacob, Willem Maris, Bosboom & Blommers -
All joined forces to make The Hague, the capital of Dutch art.
Mijnheer generously bought canvases from all of them.

When Vincent entered the beautifully decorated Goupil,
He suddenly felt, he was shabbily dressed in his black velvet suit.
The grandeur of the place frightened and embarrassed him.
Vincent stood staring at the palace of art, filled with amazing pictures.
He wondered, whether his sketches of humble, poor people would ever sell? !

A Biographical Poem

Vincent Van Gogh 59 -  Mijnheer Tersteeg
Friday, March 3, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: artistic work,art
These poems are biographical poems on the famed painter- Vincent Van Gogh. All information on Vincent Van Gogh is taken and is based on two great books - ‘Lust for life' & ‘Dear Theo' - a biography and an autobiography respectively, penned by the famed American Author - Irving Stone. Dear friends and Poets, Thank you so much for reading this series on Vincent Van Gogh's life. I am ever grateful to all the poets who are reading these poems. I do hope you will continue to read them. Ever obliged for your kind comments. When Vincent reached The Hague and entered the Art galleries of Goupil & company, he felt humbled. This was a grand place inhabited by the rich and famous. Will his humble paintings of diggers, farmers, miners and labourers ever be appreciated? Will any one buy it? Vincent Van Gogh Painting - The Sower 1988
Richard Wlodarski 21 March 2023

It's a good thing that Tersteeg had liked Vincent well enough to have sent him those two books...and that Vincent had true grit!

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Anjandev Roy 05 March 2023

This is wonderful representation......thanks for sharing.....

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Sylvia Frances Chan 05 March 2023

Vincent van Gogh's amazing life story, a biography, gorgeously told and created very beautifully. Mijnheer Tersteegh here! Enjoyed immensely, dear Dr. Geeta, my heartiest congratulations for this episode. TOP Marks

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Life of Vincent van Gogh ebbs and flows. This episode brings out the shy and hesitant personality on the one hand. On the other, he we see more of Mijnheer Tersteeg. Nice poem. Captivating story-telling….5*s and MyFavoutites

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