Warning To All The College Girls Poem by LeeAnn Azzopardi

Warning To All The College Girls

Rating: 5.0

Girls, don't fall in love with him
He'll leave you for work
And never stop to see you
After two kids,
A house in the suburbs,
And his and hers Jaguars
You'll find a friend in alcohol
And then, he stops lovin' you
'Cause there's vodka on yr breath
He says he stopped lovin' you a long ago
As he packs his suitcase for the last time
He says he met a woman at work
And she's having his baby
The divorce papers are filed
Leaving you without a penny
And he's taking the children
So, you're homeless
And you wished you had paid more attention
To yr studies
As you beg for another drink
Yr family remains happy
Without you.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: betrayal,alcoholism,divorce
Evelyn Judy Buehler 24 November 2021

Not only does your wonderful poem underscore the importance of education, but it holds a cautionary note on the perils of alcohol as well. Nicely done.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 23 November 2021

Education can save us from the cruelties of life. A great warning well crafted.

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David Wood 23 November 2021

C'est la vie! But so common now.

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