Living In Harmony Is What I Dream Of Poem by LeeAnn Azzopardi

Living In Harmony Is What I Dream Of

Rating: 5.0

I dream of a world called paradise,
Where there's no such things as tears
I dream that no one is harmed,
Because of beliefs or other reasons
No one must die that way
There's no justification!
So, let us dance and sing,
As we hold each other's hand with pride,
And surround the heart of evil
With smiles, laughter, and unity among the people
Living in harmony is what I dream of
As I hope to see it one day

Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: peace,prejudice,affinity and love
This poem is for the victims of the truck attack in London, ON
Pallab Chaudhury 13 October 2021

truly a beautiful poem keeping humanity at its highest level...well done! 5 stars! from me...

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Sylvia Frances Chan 21 October 2021

A truly heartwarming poem and so purely worded, I like it very very much, dear LeeAnn, this dream we are constantly longing for. WOW! I must confess, my morn is blessed. Thank YOU! 5 Stars full

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Sandra Feldman 01 November 2021

So beautifully thought and said, idealism at its best. Its just good that poets are still allowed to dream. Wonderful poem, . Thanks

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Nabakishore Dash 04 November 2021

Nice and extremely good intention.Thanks for positive aspiration.

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Indira Renganathan 11 December 2021

This should be everybody's dream...inspiringly interesting...5*****.....thanks a lot friend for all your comments on my poems...stay blessed always

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Anjandev Roy 19 February 2023

This is simply outstanding..

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Anjandev Roy 11 December 2022

Fantastic write......thank u, dear poetess...

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Bill Cantrell 08 October 2022

A beautiful poem smooth with innocents coating every word, I truly believe this will soon occur but not by man's hands, full marks😊

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Richard Wlodarski 04 August 2022

That's a beutiful dream, LeeAnn. And a great tribute to the victims and their loved ones!

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Sandra Feldman 04 August 2022

Beautiful dream, LeeAnn! Hope it comes true. Beautiful and harmonious poem. Pity that the heartless govern countries and don't think as beautifully as you. Great poem, loved!

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