What Child Is This? ...[response To Tapan Saren's P H Poem, ' To The Parents Who Sought Abortion'; Very Short; Abortion; Personal; Not Humorous! ] Poem by Bri Edwards

What Child Is This? ...[response To Tapan Saren's P H Poem, ' To The Parents Who Sought Abortion'; Very Short; Abortion; Personal; Not Humorous! ]

Rating: 5.0

What child is this born to unfit parents?
Or to those whose ways are errant**?
To adults unable to provide loving care?
To a child-mother almost too young to bear...
children? ?

(May 4th, 2017)

**'erring or straying from the proper course or standards.'

Thursday, May 4, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: abortion
This poem is my answer to the new and well-written anti-abortion poem by PH's TAPAN Saren.
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**er·rant [used in MY poem]
adjective: errant

erring or straying from the proper course or standards.
'he could never forgive his daughter's errant ways'
synonyms: offending, guilty, culpable, misbehaving, delinquent, lawbreaking; troublesome, unruly, wayward, disobedient
'the errant officers were suspended'?
To adults unable to provide loving care?
To a child-mother almost too young to bare...
children? ?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
The following is my poem comment on Tapan's poem.

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as a believer in God and the Bible, apparently, ............you have done as TB says below, but..............
as an unbeliever in God or the Bible, i say 'let me see that God is alive and well, AND as loving and caring about humans as some religions claim He/She/It is'

Then there should be no need/desire for abortions!

bri :)

I DO believe there should be a 'waiting period' before an abortion is performed, for counseling and education and choices to be considered. i think the 'mother' should usually have the decision to make, not the 'father'.

i DO believe that abortion IS killing, BUT lots of things are killed in this world, including humans(by humans) for 'righteous'*** reasons.

adjective: righteous

(of a person or conduct) morally right or justifiable; virtuous.
'he is a good, righteous man, I am sure'
synonyms: good, virtuous, upright, upstanding, decent; ethical, principled, moral, high-minded, law-abiding, honest, honorable, blameless, irreproachable, noble;
saintly, angelic, pure
'righteous living'
justifiable, justified, legitimate, defensible, supportable, rightful;
admissible, allowable, understandable, excusable, acceptable, reasonable

bri :)

p.s. the day after posting, i corrected an error i had made. i had used 'bare' instead of 'bear'!
Tom Billsborough 16 May 2017

I like your very well reasoned analysis of this issue, Bri. My definition of extreme circumstances would cover a rape victim and where the woman's life is in danger. what scares me is the continuing trend of selecting female foetuses for abortion. Being an atheist I don't see God as an issue myself. I like Tapan's verse. He's a very promising young poet and he has the courage to address important issues and for this, I give him due respect as you do.

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Bri Edwards 14 May 2017

Yoonoos Peerbocus (5/10/2017 2: 21: 00 AM) theme itself is controversial/ I have my own poem [abortion] differently appreciated (

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Loke Kok Yee 14 May 2017

I perused through you writings For my English to improve But could not find anything That gave me grounds to reprove And if you are listening It's your notes that I approve Thanks Bri for all the fun

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Bri Edwards 05 May 2017

the morning after i submitted this poem, i thought: did i use the wrong word? Did i use bare when i should have used bear? ? ? ? YES! i did indeed. shame on old Bri! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! from online: The verb bear relates to carrying or supporting whereas the verb bare means ‘to uncover (a part of the body or other thing) and expose it to view’ AND, among other things, bear can mean: Finally, bear can mean to give birth to a child (when said of a person) or the produce fruit or flowers (when said of a plant or tree) of course............bear is also a large mammal, as in the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears! bri :)

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
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