So there are unfinished breakfasts
paths choked by acid of accusations
china stained grey by your bitter adieux
fish-scale of a cold stare
almost an ingrained ingredient
of many our gourmet meals
There are half finished sentences
barbs of whose alphabets herald
all virgin conversations and….
There are missed heartbeats
a grip of fear permanently situated
on the neck of unformed words
There are reasons for the dense forest
of absurdities; there is philosophy in the
mindless mire of our shared obstinacy
this love we once celebrated
If rediscovered: ravishing
vanishing: if unobserved
:) My gratitude to Wardha for giving a whole new meaning to this mangled, disparate and derelict assemblage of alphabets that I’d sent to her for tweaking. Thanks so much Dr Sahiba. Thanks to Francesca's Literature Teacher for inspiring it initially.
'There are missed heartbeats a grip of fear permanently situated on the neck of unformed words '........ I could just sit and read these lines for days and still get new inspirations from them....awesome.
of all the tweaking i did the one bit i left untouched was my most fav bit: 'There are missed heartbeats a grip of fear permanently situated on the neck of unformed words '........ exactly that.!
This is excellent Bhayya! Golden words flowed like lava of knowledge and wisdom and beauty. High won my 10
another superb write've a beautiful talent to convert feelings into words sir...bravo bravo 10++++++ nd +++++A
This is wonderful! Although the content is unfortunate, I still find it such a good read. I have missed reading your poetry very much! You don't mean my Literature teacher, do you?
So sad to see the beginning of the end of a relationship. The handwriting is on the wall, and it's all downhill from there. The unfinished sentences, the things left unsaid, words that stick in your throat - because of obstinacy or hurt pride? What does it matter? There is no easy way - endings are always painful. This is so heartfelt, crushing, and extremely sad. A powerful read. Linda
''There are reasons for the dense forest of absurdities; there is philosophy in the mindless mire of our shared obstinacy '' very deeply cognitive visual metaphor..........excellent poem...10++++
a very expressive poem in a wonderful way penned..10++++ There are half finished sentences barbs of whose alphabets herald all virgin conversations and…. There are missed heartbeats a grip of fear permanently situated on the neck of unformed words
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
this just suits my mood at the moment...tha'ts a good read, rehan...something similar to this i posted 'affaire de coeur: xxiii or xxii' i'm not very sure...