Oh, how I miss all my children
I do miss the small ones
And the very tall ones
And the in between ones.
Where did my children go?
They all have gone to live their lives
Sam is a sailor man
Tall Paul is a policeman
And Dave is a doorman.
They grew, I did not know.
What happened to my little girls?
Bett is a butcher’s wife
May is a mason’s wife
Paula a parson’s wife
Each one has journeyed far.
And yet the children have returned
I now have a small one
And a very tall one
And an in between one.
They all call me grandma.
They call us empty nesters Irene, we look around our home and we see no one there, an empty silent house (isn't that what we wanted for years?) ............Grand children are great and you can give them back when you get tired.......cheers!
shared sentimental story through this poem..... nice piece. beautiful....loving lago
The poem was very pleasant to read and ends on a happy note! Thanks.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
this is a wonderful piece on the associate of kids like seeds. enjoy your seedlings milady