Where You Are Planted Poem by Evie Shockley

Where You Are Planted

Rating: 4.4

He's as high as a georgia pine, my father'd say, half laughing. southern trees
as measure, metaphor. highways lined with kudzu-covered southern trees.

fuchsia, lavender, white, light pink, purple : crape myrtle bouquets burst
open on sturdy branches of skin-smooth bark : my favorite southern trees.

one hundred degrees in the shade : we settle into still pools of humidity, moss-
dark, beneath live oaks. southern heat makes us grateful for southern trees.

the maples in our front yard flew in spring on helicopter wings. in fall, we
splashed in colored leaves, but never sought sap from these southern trees.

frankly, my dear, that's a magnolia, i tell her, fingering the deep green, nearly
plastic leaves, amazed how little a northern girl knows about southern trees.

i've never forgotten the charred bitter fruit of holiday's poplars, nor will i :
it's part of what makes me evie : i grew up in the shadow of southern trees.

M Asim Nehal 26 January 2017

This is fantastic write I enjoyed it, thanks for sharing.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 27 January 2018

Evie, such a heartwarming poem👍👍👍

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Ruta Mohapatra 27 January 2018

A beautiful poem! Thanks for sharing.

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Savita Tyagi 27 January 2018

Lovely poem. The natural environment of a place where we grow up is never away from us.

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Subhas Chandra Chakra 27 January 2018

A nicely crafted poem. So delicately written. Thanks for the sharing.

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Anil Kumar Panda 28 January 2018

So nice with an unique style. Enjoyed.

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Rajnish Manga 28 January 2018

Evie, you are a great lover of nature and the reader can say it with conviction now, Thanks for sharing a beautiful poem.

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Susan Williams 27 January 2018

one hundred degrees in the shade: we settle into still pools of humidity, moss- dark, beneath live oaks- - - - - - yes, indeed, the southern humidity WEIGHS on you feels like the grossest-hot sweaty uncleansing shower you will ever be in. pools of humidity- a most perfect phrase for the most unpleasant feeling

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Jake Deeds 27 January 2018

Beautiful, indeed. Like me...Simply Southern. [][

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Grace Svensson 27 January 2018

A very nice poem! I loved reading it!

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Evie Shockley

Evie Shockley

Nashville / Tennessee / United States
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