Who I'M Starting To See Poem by mona martinez

Who I'M Starting To See

Rating: 5.0

i use to let you tell me what to do,
i don't know why,
maybe because at the time,
i couldn't think for myself,

it was just something about you,
that made me feel special,
but, now i see what you doing,
little by little,

i see where i went wrong,
giving up part of my power,
and letting you have what you want,
i feel as if you can't trust me,

you snoop through my phone,
when i'm not looking,
just to see who i dial,
i caught you one or twice,

but you thought it was fun and games,
what is wrong with you?
little by little,
i'm starting to think i will be better off,

if only i wasn't with you,
i'm starting to feel trapped,
rather than free and opened,
my friend seem to say,

you're abit controling,
am i being blind sided?
can't really see,
what's in front of me, the whole time?

i think back of when you notice me,
it wasn't until you realize,
what you were slowly losing,
that you put in a little effort,

just to try and be with me,
but, in my eyes,
i'm starting to think it was fake,
you put up a front,

rather than just be yourself,
people don't see,
what i'm starting to see,
a guy who does more talk,

rather than take action,
i don't know why i'm still with you,
i know i'm better than this,
but, i get sucked in,

when you tell me that you miss me,
i don't know why, maybe because,
i don't like the feeling of being alone,
i've been through so much,

at times you helped me through,
other times you made jokes,
about the mistakes i made,
what kind of help are you?

you wanted to perade it,
like it was you business to tell,
what kind of friend are you?
slowly i'm starting to see the real you,

the part i lost sight on,
when everything fell apart,
to make me think,
you just wasn't the one for me.
Copyright © 2009

Jessica Robert 01 July 2009

To me, this is new. I've never been in these shoes so all I can say is what this poem tells me. I see a girl, who's lost herself when she found a guy. She forget everything around her and the guy starts thinking for her, becoming almost controlling. Then as she finally starts to open her eyes, he finally seems to be trying for real, but she thinks he's faking tho she falls for it everytime. But, she's finally really seeing the real side of him. I hope the best comes to you, and you do what your heart desires. H&K's Jess**

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Carol Gall 01 July 2009

mona get away from those kind i know of them dont fall for any im sorry be glad you got away good write

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Shashendra Amalshan 15 July 2009

hello dear Mona! ! ! after a long time.... this is a nice write indeed.. very moving one indeed... really felt these lines.. keep expressing your self Mona.nice with lots of love shan

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Delicate Heart 02 July 2009

nice piece you become lost whilst reading it, very tender poem.

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Alok Agarwal 02 July 2009

i use to let you tell me what to do, i don't know why, maybe because at the time, i couldn't t......... from the starting itself the poem instills on the minds of readers a strong sense of emotions

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Sarah Abdullah 01 July 2009

Ummmmmmmm... FIne lines...Very good Description... I guess we all Lose ourselves somewhere along the way.... Nice reading....

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ppp sss 01 July 2009

The longer you wait, the more the trap closes. All you need do is decide.

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