Whosoever plants a tree
Winks at immortality.
Woodland cherries, flowers ablaze,
Hold no hint of human praise;
Hazels in a hidden glade
Give no thought to stake or spade;
London planes in Georgian squares
Count no patrons in their prayers;
Seed and sapling seek no cause,
Bark and beetle shun applause;
Leaf and shoot know nought of debt,
Twig and root are dumb— and yet
Choirs of songbirds greet each day
With eulogies, as if to say:
‘Whosoever plants a tree
Winks at immortality!'
What a lovely tribute to the planters of trees, trees are so important in so many ways!
Trees being the natural abode of many different kind of birds, I think the piece is well articulated and insightfully penned with conviction. A lovely poem with good rhyme scheme. Thanks for sharing. Please read my poem MANDELA - THE IMMORTAL ICON.
Very beautiful poem about trees. Much enjoyed reading...Love trees..Thank you..Zuzanna
This poem inspired me to turn over an acre or so of our smallholding, and plant 500 trees as part of the National Forest. Wonderful words. And I wonder also, what they will look like after I'm gone?
I wish poets could write from beyond the grave because this one would be truly awesome. Just like his words Whoever plants a tree / Winks at immortality. I wish that I had written them first. Such beauty and profundity in these simple words. True genius. It's a shame that PH doesn't have his Love Came To Visit Me. Trees are beautiful Trees are huggable And they save our lives
I Loveeeeeeeee and would go on and on loving this piece, wished I had more than just a ten.
.Whosoever plants a tree Winks at immortality. Inspirational and prophetic write incorporated in this beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing.10 points.
This is his only poem? Or is it the only poem of his on this site? I shall check that out and hope there are more because this poem is so right on. Mankind may want to sit up and notice that nature doesn't need us but we need nature