Wings Of My Imagination Poem by Bharati Nayak

Wings Of My Imagination

Rating: 5.0

What a wonderful wing
This imaginatio is
As it can take me every where.
It flies me to the fairy land
It makes me meet with
The people I love.
It has powerful wings
That can free people from iron rings
It can carry food plates to the needy
By siding with truth, it can win in the battle field.
It can bring peace and close a war
It can make Putin understand the futility of war
It can make him understand
How nuclear war means self destruction
And how it will bring doom for all.
It can bring equality between
People of all countries
It will close the gap between poor and rich.
It can wipe out violence once for all
It can create one global village
Where Happiness will be the king
Where people and animals
Will live in peace and harmony
And our world will become
A true paradise.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: imagination,dreams,fantasy
Dr Dillip K Swain 13 April 2023

A beautiful poem. Good morning dear Bharati. How are you? Don't worry. This poem will be featured among top 100 poems tomorrow. Happy PanaaSankrati.

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Anil Kumar Panda 12 April 2023

Beautiful imagery. Positive thoughts. Loved it and I hope someday our world becomes a paradise. The gap between rich and poor will vanish.

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M. Asim Nehal 12 April 2023

And I hope your imagination takes us to peace and prosperity. I liked your poem and I quote ' It will close the gap between poor and rich. It can wipe out violence once for all' So genuine wish. ***** To my Fav list.

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