Words Of Wisdom Poem by Darwin Henry Beuning

Words Of Wisdom

Rating: 5.0

In my younger days,
Single and free,
I enjoyed the night life.

One night at a bar
I was seated next to
An older gentleman.

As an hour passed,
We shared many a word,
And many a drink.

Then, as closing time approached,
He turned to me and asked
If I would mind a little advice
From a man who had lived a long life.

I said YES,
Expecting profound words
From one who had seen it ALL.

He turned to me,
And in a quiet voice said -
Keep it in your pants.

Monday, September 21, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life
written 2: 35am 21 September 2020.I was in my twenties and fresh out of Vietnam.
Bri Edwards 10 October 2020

st 4: advice**, not advise i think i made the same mistake once, not twise. ha ha So he was speaking of your wallet? good advice ** (like vice squad) . If only i'd known, i could have saved the costs of child support and a vasectomy, ...NOT to mention this rash which comes back often. bri :))

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Chinedu Dike 25 September 2020

Insightful piece nicely put together. A word is enough for the wise. Thanks for sharing and do remain enriched.

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Kim Barney 21 September 2020

Ha! That was not the ending I expected. Caught me off guard and had to chuckle. Wise advice from the old man.

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Mahtab Bangalee 21 September 2020

He turned to me, And in a quiet voice said - Keep it in your pants......beautifully written

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Darwin Henry Beuning 26 September 2020

Mahtab, Thank you for the kind comments! !

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Mahtab Bangalee 21 September 2020

Words of wisdom that's poetry Tree of poet all over free come here to learn all don't kick the life ball backbiting pen can't bite fairly

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Darwin Henry Beuning

Darwin Henry Beuning

Melrose, Minnesota
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