Yayati 2- Kacha, The Outcast Poem by Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Yayati 2- Kacha, The Outcast

Rating: 5.0


When I left Devayani weeping
My heart broke; She said
she would die if I left.
I was already dead. Many times.

.........But I had duties to my tribe.


Suras lived under constant fear
Of Mrutasanjeevani Mantra
That Shukra possessed.

He never advised the mantra
To any disciple,
Because if he did, he would
Lose its charm for ever.

Every asura killed by us
Got up and fought us again
When Shukra chanted the mantra
And sprinkled holy water on him.

..........We feared extinction.


Then they decided to send me
To Shukra to learn the mantra.
I was proud being the Chosen One.
Indra whispered to me,
'Son, It is dangerous;
Asuras would harm you,
When they know who you are.
Use your charm on Devayani
So that her love saves you
From all evil.'


I didn't have much to do
For Devayani fell for me
The moment we met.
That was after Shukraacharya
Enrolled me as his disciple
Knowing who I am. I never lied.

..........A true Aacharya never refused
A disciple of worth.
He taught me everything
But not Mrutasanjeevani.
And I would not leave
Without getting the Mantra.


True to Indra's warning
Asuras killed me, minced my body
And fed to wolves. But Devayani's
Tears and Shukra's mantra
Brought me back to life.
Many, many times over.


At last, they burned by body
Ashes mixed in the wine
and served to Shukra.
Devayani's tears gave me life
But I was in Shukra's body-
If I were to live, he dies.

Finally he consented
And advised me the Mantra
While still inside his body:
My life's purpose achieved.
I came out, invoked the mantra
To give life to the aacharya.

Thus mantra was tested
Confirmed that I have mastered it
And Shukra has lost it for ever.

............Asuras were now vulnerable.


Time had come for me to leave
To my own clan. The Devas
Were waiting for me proudly.

Devayani wept. Her frail body
Every inch of which bore
Marks of my lips, quivered.

............But I had no choice.


Asuras had lost the next war
Even before it started.
I used the mantra once or twice.


Soon Devas decided, as Shukra had
Borne me in his body, I am his 'son',
An asura. They threw me out
As my father stood helpless.
Now I am not a Sura nor Asura.
The mantra is no more of any use.

...........I lost my love and my life.


I wander outside the deva world
But not in the asura world.
Nor am I to enter Human World.

I am an outcast
And cast out in the sea
with no shores!
The curse of love denied!



Suras/Devas: A tribe who were continuously at war with Asuras.

Indra: King of Suras.

Kacha: Son of Brihaspati, the Guru of Suras.

Words deciphered:
Mantra: Magical Words, chanting of which produces unearthly results

Mrutasanjeevani Mantra: A magical chant, which can give life back to the dead.

Human World: The earth, where Yayati ruled. Distinct from the Asura world and and the Sura world. Somewhere in Indian epics, it is said that there are three worlds (Triloka, namely the Human World, bhoomi or earth; the sura world or Devaloka or heaven; and the third, the asura world or PaataaL) .

The Story:

Suras and Asuras were continuously at war with each other. Often, human kings also took part in this war, on the Sura side.

Shukracharya was a great ascetic of asura clan. He lost his wife, after she gave birth to their beautiful daughter Devayani. After the death of his wife, in immense grief, Shukra started a life of great penance for many million years. He wanted his wife back alive. The gods didnot consent this boon. But advised him the Mrutasanjeevani Mantra, which could bring the dead back to life. But he could not use this mantra to bring his wife back to life, as her remains were already consumed by time.

On his return, he was anointed as the Guru by the asuras. He used the mantra give life back to the soldiers dead in war with suras. Needless to say, asuras won every battle.

Concerned, the Sura king Indra hatched a plan to snatch the mantra from Shukra. Kacha son of Brihaspati was sent to Shukra as a student/disciple. Immediately, Devayani fell in love with him.

Rest is again (his) story! ! Hehe! ! !
Farisa Haleel 03 November 2016

As i completed the series 2, i just jumped into the next series before commenting.that much simply and nicely you narrated it.

3 0 Reply
Unnikrishnan E S 03 November 2016

! ! ! !

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Akham Nilabirdhwaja Singh 11 September 2016

A fascinating tale from the Great Epic!

1 0 Reply
Unnikrishnan E S 18 September 2016

Hi Shri. Nilabirdhwaja, Thank you for the appreciation. Hope you have read all the episodes of Yayati. I have started to post a new series on the story of Sunahsepha (from Ramayanam) . I invite you to read them. Thank you.

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Hazel Durham 06 September 2016

Beautifully written with your great story telling skills it unfolds capturing the imagination of the reader so vividly!

2 0 Reply
Unnikrishnan E S 06 September 2016

Thank you Hazel. Please read on.

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Mihaela Pirjol 01 September 2016

The more I read, it becomes more interesting and captivating...

1 0 Reply
Unnikrishnan E S 01 September 2016

Please read on. Thank you

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Susan Williams 29 August 2016

Here I am to give you the 10 I promised many moons ago that the server thingee wouldn't allow me to give you at the time. So here I go to give you the 10 rating this deserves!

1 0 Reply
Unnikrishnan E S 29 August 2016

Hi Susan, Yes, I treasure your ten for this poem, I do. But it is your kindness to remember a promise to come back here just to give it, that is what is just wonderful. I would like to boast that it is because my poem had attracted you so much (just boasting) . Thank you once again.

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Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

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